New Marquee Coming to Valley View Entrance

Our new marquee is one step closer to arrival. Today, a full-size model was placed for evaluation in its approximate location along Valley View. In addition to being larger and of higher quality, the new marquee includes two screens — one for each direction of traffic on Valley View. Look for it later this year.

Cypress College Marquee

The software to operate the message board will also be upgraded, so it will provide better capacity to communicate with students and the community about events and programs available at the college.

The marquee is part of the work that will eventually complete the College’s Gateway Plaza, extending it out to the main entrance of the campus. When the full project is completed, the pedestrian walkway will run a straight line from the Student Center to the bus stop (just north of the stop light), and reconfigure the entrance to the campus to improve vehicle and pedestrian flow and safety.

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