Guided Pathways
What is Guided Pathways?
Guided Pathways is a statewide initiative that aims to help students achieve their educational goals efficiently and effectively. At Cypress College, Guided Pathways is our commitment to improve the student experience and support student success. Grounded in equity, the Guided Pathways philosophy is at the core of all initiatives designed to identify academic pathways, remove obstacles, provide support, and ensure learning for all students.

Find Your Path
Title V HSI Grant
Starfish is a Guided Pathways student success platform designed to provide integrated support to help students achieve their educational goals. The Starfish platform can be used to communicate with students, provide easy access to services and more! Learn more about Starfish.

Guided Pathways Faculty Co-Chair:
Liana Koeppel
E: lkoeppel@cypresscollege.edu
Director of Educational Partnerships and Programs – Guided Pathways:
Brady Miller-Wakeham
E: bmillerwakeham@cypresscollege.edu
Administrative Assistant:
Diana Domingo
E: ddomingo@cypresscollege.edu