Coronavirus: Information, Resources, and Updates
What you need to know:
The District COVID-19 vaccine mandate expired at the end of the 2022 calendar year. In its place, the NOCCCD Board of Trustees, at its September 27, 2022, meeting, adopted a position of strongly recommending, rather than mandating, COVID-19 vaccines and strongly recommending boosters for all employees and students, effective January 1, 2023.
- If you are sick or exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, you should not attend classes
- Masks are encouraged indoors but are not currently required. Instructors may ask students to wear masks when students are in close proximity to each other and/or if there are high illness rates in the class or on campus. Students also have the option to wear masks when they desire.
- If you test positive or have been exposed, please refer to this COVID page for what to do
- Information about Free COVID tests is available in the accordions below
- Please do not come to campus if you are ill. Communicate with all your instructors about your health challenges and ask about your options for make-up exams and assignments.
Pandemic Note: There may be circumstances that could necessitate a temporary shift to remote, synchronous, instruction. If this happens, your instructors may conduct class via Zoom. In this event, faculty will notify with announcement via Canvas and/or email with a link to a Zoom meeting room. It is a good idea to plan, in advance, how you will make this shift, if necessary. In this circumstance, you will want to attend class on a laptop computer, tablet, or your phone (with a camera and microphone). If you do not have this equipment, Cypress College has technology available for check-out if needed.
Vaccine Information
External Resources
Because the situation related to COVID-19/Coronavirus is fluid, we recommend checking the following authoritative sources for credible, updated information:
California Department of Public Health: Use an at-home test to test yourself and get results within minutes. At-home tests are available at most pharmacies, no prescription needed. Check with your local pharmacy or retail stores. Note that your local pharmacy may also provide on-site testing.
How to Get Tests:
COVID Antigen test kits (while supplies last) are available in the Health & Wellness Center for students and staff. There are also a limited number of COVID test kits at Counseling, Student Life & Leadership, and Campus Safety. Each kit contains two (2) tests.
If you have questions or concerns about testing or COVID notification, please email Debbie Marriott-Simes at dmarriot-simes@cypresscollege.edu.