Employee Information
All Faculty
For the most up-to-date information on accessing student rosters, wait list information given to students, and inputting grades, download the latest version of myGateway WebStar Instructions for Faculty.
The Cypress College Syllabus Guidelines provides the Cypress College Curriculum Committee checklist and guidelines, the Academic Honesty Policy (approved in 2005), and a sample syllabus as a model.
Adjunct Faculty
Newly Hired Adjunct
If you are a newly-hired adjunct faculty member, welcome to the Cypress College community! We’re pleased to have you join our instructional team. Whether you’re teaching a general education course or preparing your students for a career, your success as an instructor is very important to us. See the Faculty Quick Reference Guide for answers to many of your questions about navigating the campus. You can also consult your Adjunct Faculty United Contract available from District HR.
Returning Adjunct Faculty
If you are a returning adjunct instructor, either from last semester or several semesters ago, this website will provide you with new and updated information, how-to guides, and other resources.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I obtain keys?
Adjunct faculty will be issued keys through the Extended Day Office. The Extended Day Office is located in the Faculty and Staff Service Center, northwest corner of the Bookstore Building. Lost or stolen keys must be
reported immediately to your Division Dean and the Extended Day Office.
Adjunct faculty who are not returning the following semester must return their keys to the Extended Day Office at the end of the semester.
Full-time faculty will obtain their keys through Maintenance and Operations (M&O) located on the NE portion of Circle Drive across from Lot #7. Their number is (714) 484-7390. If you require a “RESTRICTED” key, you must have prior authorization from your division dean. Do not loan a key to anyone or have duplicates made.
Who do I contact if I’m going to be absent or late to class?
In the event of an absence or tardiness, you must notify your division office as far in advance as possible. If the division office is closed, you must contact the Extended Day Office at (714) 484-7332 so that a notice can
be posted for students. It is also recommended that you notify the students via email, but this does not take the place of notifying the Division, Extended Day office. An absence form will be placed inside your “official” mailbox. Once you have completed the form, please return it to the Extended Day Office. If you need assistance completing the form, see your Division Office Manager (DOM) or the Extended Day Office
administrative assistant.
Do I need a Cypress College email address?
Yes. All campus communication is primarily done through the Cypress College email account. Email request forms are available from your division office and the Extended Day Office.
Do I have a mailbox?
The Adjunct faculty mailboxes are located in the Faculty and Staff Service Center (next to the Extended Day Office), northwest corner of the Bookstore Building. This is the “official” mailbox of record for all Adjunct
Faculty. All pertinent information regarding your classes and teaching assignment will be delivered to this mailbox. Please check your mailbox at least weekly.
Where do I pick up packages?
Packages are delivered to the Extended Day Office which is located in the Faculty and Staff Service Center on the northwest corner of the Bookstore Building. A package slip will be placed inside of your mailbox when a package is received. Packages can be found in the cabinet located at the end of the mailboxes marked Adjunct Faculty Packages.
Where and when do I pick up my paycheck?
Pay dates will be on the last working day of the month. Fall semester pay dates are September, October, November and the first working day of January. Spring semester pay dates are February, March, April, and May. You can select how you would like to be paid by filling out a Payment Options Authorization Form. Access the newest form by following these directions:
- Log in to myGateway
- Click on the “District Forms” tab
- Open the “HR” folder
- Open the “Payroll” folder
- Select the “Payment Options Authorization Form”
How do I get my roster?
The Cypress College myGateway-WebStar Instructions for Faculty explains how to download your roster.
How do I make copies?
Walk-up copiers are available in the Faculty and Staff Service Center on the northwest corner of the Bookstore Building. You can also email requests to the Production Center at production@cypresscollege.edu. For additional information, please contact the Production Center at (714) 484-7328.
How do I get help with media equipment?
Please contact Academic Computing at (714) 484-7157.
How do I obtain a parking permit?
Full-time & Adjunct faculty MUST register their license plate and vehicle information into the Cypress College Virtual Parking System through myGateway. The vehicle license plate is now the “Virtual Parking
Permit,” valid for one year and will allow you to park in all lots in and around campus. Parking citations are issued by the Cypress College Campus Safety Department. A valid virtual parking permit will be honored at all District locations including the Anaheim Campus, Cypress College, Fullerton College and North Orange Continuing Education.
Adjunct Faculty Reference Guide
The Faculty Quick Reference Guide is updated every fall. It will tell you what you need to know about keys, paychecks, parking, room changes, semester checkout, and campus support services available to you and your students.
Newly Hired Classified Staff
Welcome to the Cypress College! We are pleased to have you join our college community as a classified staff member. Whether you are an administrative assistant, a lab technician, or a groundskeeper, your success in your position is very important to us.
Our core values form the foundation of our educational philosophy at Cypress College and your contributions to our efforts are greatly appreciated.
Full-Time Faculty
First Year Tenure-Track Instructors
Welcome to the Cypress College community! We’re pleased to have you join our instructional team as a full-time tenure-track instructor. The first year of teaching as a new full-time faculty member can be invigorating and exhausting, exhilarating yet extremely challenging and stressful.
The year-long New Faculty Seminar is designed for first-year tenure-track full-time faculty to ensure a smooth transition into the college community, to enhance teaching and learning through a multi-faceted program of professional development, and to provide a supportive campus-wide network for the creation of a positive learning environment for all students.
Participants in the seminar will help determine the topics of the sessions.
Experienced Full-Time Faculty
This website is designed to provide easy access to new and updated information on myGateway-WebStar instructions, instructional web-based software, information on the flex calendar, how-to guides, and other resources. This website will be updated on a regular basis, so check back for updates and new information.
Newly Hired Managers
Welcome to the Cypress College community! We’re pleased to have you join our college team as a full-time manager. Your success as a new manager is important to us.
The District Management Association (DMA) offers a Mentor Program for new managers in the North Orange County Community College District. Please ask your supervisor the name of the DMA contact for information about the Mentor Program.
Experienced Managers
This website is designed to provide easy access to new and updated information for all members of the Cypress College community and will be updated on a regular basis, so check back for updates and new information.