Student Resources
Academic Resources
Internship & Job Opportunities
Handshake is the college’s online internship and job management system providing access to current internship and job postings, resume-building tools, and other valuable resources to assist you in obtaining employment.
Emergency & Basic Needs Resources
Food Bank
The Food Bank aims to address the basic needs of our students by collecting and distributing non-perishable food items, educating the campus community about hunger and food insecurity issues, and collaborating with others to connect students with additional resources on and off campus. For information about our Food Bank, please click here.
Health Center
The Student Health Center supports the student’s learning experience through the delivery of services and programs that promote the health of the student.
2-1-1 Orange County
This nonprofit organization provides a database of resources, services, and support to those seeking assistance. Accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and available in multiple languages, 2-1-1 OC is available for assistance with housing, education, health care, income and employment, mental health, transportation, food, and more.
They can be reached by dialing 2-1-1, calling (888) 600-4357, or emailing help@211oc.org. Visit their website at 211oc.org for more information and to see a comprehensive list of resources.
Additional Resources
Filing a Complaint
To file a complaint against a professor, staff member, or other employee, please visit the Complaints, Disputes, and Grievances webpage. Cypress College students and staff are assured that allegations of any form of discrimination will be handled with the utmost care and discretion throughout the entire complaint process. Discrimination complaints may be filed based on sexual harassment, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, color, physical or mental disability, and sexual orientation.
Online Resources
- Know the Signs — suicideispreventable.org
- Each Mind Matters — eachmindmatters.org/
- Half Of Us — halfofus.com/
- OC Links — ochealthinfo.com/oclinks/
Domestic & Sexual Violence Resources
- Cypress College Campus Safety — (714) 484-7387
- Cypress College Health Center — (714) 484-7361 (medical or counseling needs)
- Rape Hotline — (800) 585-6231
- Domestic Violence Hotline — (714) 935-7956
- CSP Victim Services Orange County — (714) 957-2737
- California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) — calcasa.org
- National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) — nsvrc.org
- Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) — rainn.org
- OC Links – Behavioral Health Information & Referrals — (855) OC-LINKS (625-4657)
- Didi Hirsch, MHS, Suicide Survivor Support Services, 24-hour Suicide Crisis Line — (877) 727-4747
- National Hopeline Network — (800) SUICIDE (784-2344)
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline — (800) 273-TALK (8255)
- 24/7 Orange County Crisis/Suicide Prevention — (877) 7CRISIS (727-4747)
- 24/7 Crisis Line for People with Disabilities — (800) 426-4263
- 24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline — (800) 799-7233
- 24/7 Rape Crisis Hotline — (714) 957-2737
- Sexual Assault Victim Services — (714) 834-4317
- Orange County Warm Line, Daily 8 a.m.–midnight — (877) 910-WARM (9276)
Veteran’s Resources
- Cypress College Veteran Resource Center — (714) 484-7150
- VETS Crisis Line — (800) 273-TALK (8255)
- Combat Call Center — (877) 927-8387
- Women’s Mental Health Center — (562) 826-8000, ext. 4919, mentalhealth.va.gov/msthome.asp
LGBTQ+ Resources
Visit the Cypress College LGBTQ+ Resources page.