Information for Graduates, Class of 2014

MAY 23, 2014

Download the graduation brochure.

A Message from Cypress College’s
President Dr. Bob Simpson

Cypress College is a place where very special things happen. Graduation is the pinnacle of achievement for our college community and represents our most special activity. It is my honor to salute your success as a member of the Class of 2013. Each of you has completed this portion of your educational journey marked with sacrifices, academic and personal growth, and ultimately, excellence. UCLA Coach John Wooden, who is known for The Pyramid of Success, said: “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you are capable.” I believe that the most special aspect of Cypress College is that each of you—our students—illustrate such success by demonstrating what is possible through your achievement in the classroom. You accepted the challenge to sacrifice, and to do the necessary work, while maintaining balance in your lives, whether you were able to pursue your studies full-time or took a longer route by combining work and family responsibilities. As you consider all the opportunities that are opening up to you, do not forget that—even during these difficult economic times—you excelled in your commitment and persistence, and it was your determination that led to the achievement of your goals and dreams. I sincerely believe that you are now equipped to build upon this foundation, to go out into the world, to accept any challenge and do whatever is necessary to achieve your continuing dreams. On May 23, as you approach the stage to accept your degree, you can have peace of mind that you have rightfully earned the respect of your family, friends, colleagues, and the community. Like you, I am a product of California’s system of public education, to which I owe a debt of gratitude and give credit for the success I have had in my life. It is important to remember that what now distinguishes you is the effort you have made and your commitment to your future. Being faithful to that vision will continue to guide your path. It is truly an honor for me to once again congratulate you on your achievement.

Commencement 2014

The Commencement Ceremony will be held Friday, May 23, 2014. The ceremony will be held in the front of the college in Gateway Plaza.

Schedule of events
5 p.m. Gathering in the theater
6 p.m. Commencement Ceremony begins

Reception – immediately following ceremony

The ceremony will feature faculty, special guests, and various speakers

Please plan to attend a reception for graduates, family and friends, as well as faculty and staff, immediately after the ceremony. Refreshments will be served compliments of the Associated Students.


Caps and Gowns are required for the ceremony.

The commencement caps and gowns will be available for distribution at the Student Activities Center, located south of the pond in the center of campus, on the following dates and times:

May 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 2014
9 a.m. – 6 p.m.

NOTE: You will be purchasing your cap & gown for $25 at the campus Bookstore. Checks, money orders, cash, and credit cards (Visa and/or Mastercard only) are accepted. Please take the enclosed card with you to the campus Bookstore for payment, then come to the Student Activities Center for pick-up.

Please be dressed in your cap and gown by 5 p.m. DO NOT BRING A HANDBAG or BACKPACK! (There is no one to watch your personal items. You can leave them with a family member.) You will be given final instructions for the line-up at that time, and you will be handed a 3 x 5 card to print your name on. As you walk toward the stage, you will hand the card to the reader so your name can be announced, and then you will be presented with your diploma cover.

No Assigned Seats
There is no assigned seating for students taking part in commencement. You’ll be able to sit next to special friends who are graduating with you.


Your family and friends are welcome at Commencement 2014. There is no limit to the number of guests you may invite. Your guests should park in lots 1 and 9 (easiest access to the Commencement Ceremony). The ceremony will begin at 6 p.m. It will last approximately 1.5 hours. Food will be sold, flowers, balloons, graduation memorabilia, etc., will be available for purchase before and after the ceremony (under the tent). Please show respect for the graduates – no bullhorns please.


available for purchase through

Phone orders will be accepted with a credit card @ (800) 952-7002.

Order forms are available in the Bookstore:
Monday – Thursday 7:45 a.m. – 8: p.m.
Friday 7:45 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Generic Graduation Announcements are available for purchase in the Bookstore.


You will not receive your actual diploma on commencement evening. Instead, you will receive your diploma cover as you cross the stage. The Admissions and Records Office will send you your diploma after verification that all requirements have been met.


Audience members are requested to remain seated during the ceremony.

Photographs can be taken in the plaza after the ceremony. Students will have their photos taken as they graduate by a professional photographer from Grad Images. Cypress College President, Bob Simpson, will also be available for photos with students after the ceremony.

Proofs of photos will be sent to students soon after graduation. Promotional photos taken by college staff will be posted on the website.

For information on caps and gowns, and the graduation ceremony contact Student Activities Center @ (714) 484-7199
Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
For all other information regarding graduation requirements, etc., contact the Admissions & Records Office at (714) 484-7433.

North Orange County Community College District
Board of Trustees:
Jeffrey P. Brown
Barbara Dunsheath
Leonard Lahtinen
Michael B. Matsuda
Molly McClanahan
Donna Miller
M. Tony Ontiveros
Student Trustee, Cypress College
Student Trustee, Fullerton College
Dr. Ned Doffoney, Chancellor
Dr. Bob Simpson, President, Cypress College
The North Orange County Community College District, in compliance with all applicable Federal and State laws, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, age, religion, disability, sex, or sexual orientation in any of its policies, procedures, or practices. The District is also committed to maintaining campuses that are free of harassment, drugs and alcohol. A copy of the District’s full policy on non-discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault treatment and counseling, and maintenance of a drug-free environment is available in the District Human Resources Office.
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