M2C3 Minority Male Collaborative

Cypress College Joins Innovative Program to Promote Men of Color

Cypress College has joined the Minority Male Community College Collaborative (M2C3) National Consortium on College Men of Color. Participation in the M2C3 Consortium will enhance the College’s commitment to improving the success of historically marginalized students, including men of color.
To diminish this achievement gap, the M2C3 Consortium facilitates an exchange of ideas between community colleges across the nation on how best to serve men of color in our educational institutions.

“The focus on student equity throughout the California Community Colleges is momentous. It is important that we partake in opportunities that strive to meet the goals of serving underrepresented groups. Joining the M2C3 consortium will enhance our scope of knowledge in working with men of color, and ensuring their successful completion of degrees and/or certificates,” said, Ashley Griffith, Special Projects Director of Student Equity.

As a member of the consortium, Cypress College will have access to a vast clearinghouse of resources provided by M2C3. The collaborative frequently facilitates webinars on male, students of color and creates virtual discussion boards to encourage dialogue on best practices.
Cypress’ collaboration with M2C3 will enhance professional development for faculty and staff, enable informed interventions for our current programs serving men of color, and inspire new initiatives addressing challenges facing these men. During the 2015 – 2016 academic year, M2C3 will host several workshops at Cypress College to assist in our student equity efforts.


Questions or comments? Please contact Ashley Griffith at agriffith@cypresscollege.edu.

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