2016 Mecha, Noche de Arte
Please join us for the first annual Noche de Arte celebration, 4 – 9 p.m. on Thursday, May 5.
The purpose of this event is to promote the Latin American tradition of “Arte Publico” or Public Art. Several artists will be displaying their art work along the duck pond bridge. The main focus of the event is to fund raise for scholarships for DACA and AB540 cypress college students.
There will also be several vendors selling their wares, as well as free pan dulce and champurrado (Mexican hot chocolate) that will be provided by the Cypress College Mecha.
Additionally, there are several organizations including an immigration law firm and Dreamer activist media group that will be tabling at the event.
We will also have ballet folklorico dancers performing for one hour.
We look forward to seeing you there!
#CypressCollege #Mecha