Featured Class: Spanish for Spanish Speakers

¿Hablas español? ¡Esta clase es para ti! SPAN 201C (5 units) is Spanish for Spanish speakers just like you.

Prerequisite: You must be able to speak and understand spoken Spanish.

Inscríbete para hablar, escribir y leer con confianza en español.

  • Conoce los secretos de los acentos escritos
  • Eleva tu dominio del español oral y escrito
  • Descubre obras maestras literarias del mundo hispanohablante
  • Haz amistad con compañeros hispanohablantes como tú

Enroll today to speak, write, and read with confidence in Spanish.

  • Learn the secrets of written accent marks
  • Improve your skills in spoken and written Spanish
  • Discover literary greats of the Spanish-speaking world
  • Get to know Spanish speaking students just like you

Contact Professor Jessica Puma at jpuma@cypresscollege.edu for more information.

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