Your Summer 2023 Semester Math Options
Mathematics classes are part of your general education curriculum. In other words, you must take a math class. Get some information on your options below.
First Semester Math Recommendations by Pathway
AB 705 allows all students access to transfer level math courses. Choose a course from the areas of interest below. Some students will be required to take a corequisite course. Please see a counselor for further guidance.
CSU Path: MATH 120 C or MATH 120PC OR MATH 130 C or MATH 130PC
UC Path: MATH 141 C or MATH 141PC
Career Technical Education
MATH 120 C or MATH 120PC
Exploratory (Undecided)
MATH 115 C or MATH 115PC OR MATH 120 C or MATH 120PC
Fine Arts
MATH 115 C or MATH 115PC
Health Science
MATH 120 C or MATH 120PC
MATH 120 C or MATH 120PC
Language Arts
MATH 115 C or MATH 115PC
Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
MATH 141 C or MATH 141PC
Social Sciences
MATH 120 C or MATH 120PC
Elementary Teaching Path: MATH 110 C or MATH 110PC
MATH 009 C
This course is a corequisite course to MATH 110PC, Math for Prospective Teachers. Based on placement, you can either take MATH 110 C alone (when available), or the combination of MATH 009 C and MATH 110PC. Each MATH 009 C class is paired with a specific MATH 110PC class. Students must take both of these classes concurrently. Enter both CRNs when registering.
The paired courses will review the specific arithmetic and algebra skills needed to successfully complete Math for Prospective Teachers. No prerequisites are required. A single instructor will teach the two courses like one course.
MATH 011 C
This course is a corequisite course to MATH 115PC, Finite Math. Based on placement, you can either take MATH 115 C alone, or the combination of MATH 011 C and MATH 115PC. Each MATH 011 C class is paired with a specific MATH 115PC class. Students must take both of these classes concurrently. Enter both CRNs when registering.
The paired courses will review the specific arithmetic and algebra skills needed to successfully complete Finite Math. No prerequisites are required. A single instructor will teach the two courses like one course.
MATH 012 C
This course is a corequisite course to MATH 120PC, Introduction to Probability and Statistics. Based on placement, you can either take MATH 120 C alone, or the combination of MATH 012 C and MATH 120PC. Each MATH 012 C class is paired with a specific MATH 120PC class. Students must take both of these classes concurrently. Enter both CRNs when registering.
The paired courses will review the specific arithmetic and algebra skills needed to successfully complete Probability and Statistics. No prerequisites are required. A single instructor will teach the two courses like one course.
MATH 013 C
This course is a corequisite course to MATH 130PC, Survey of Calculus. Based on placement, you can either take MATH 130 C alone, or the combination of MATH 013 C and MATH 130PC. Each MATH 013 C class is paired with a specific MATH 130PC class. Students must take both of these classes concurrently. Enter both CRNs when registering.
The paired courses will review the specific arithmetic and algebra skills needed to successfully complete Survey of Calculus. No prerequisites are required. A single instructor will teach the two courses like one course.
MATH 014 C
This course is a corequisite course to MATH 141PC, College Algebra. Based on placement, you can either take MATH 141 C alone, or the combination of MATH 014 C and MATH 141PC. Each MATH 014 C class is paired with a specific MATH 141PC class. Students must take both of these classes concurrently. Enter both CRNs when registering.
The paired courses will review the specific arithmetic and algebra skills needed to successfully complete College Algebra. No prerequisites are required. A single instructor will teach the two courses like one course.
Combination Classes for Math for Prospective Teachers
Take MATH 009 C Skills for Skills for Math for Prospective Elementary School Teachers along with MATH 110PC Math for Prospective Teachers.
- MATH 009 C is a full-term co-requisite support course for MATH 110PC.
- Each section of MATH 009 C is paired with a specific MATH 110PC section. Students must take both of the courses in the pairing.
- MATH 009 C gives students needed support in order to be successful in MATH 110PC.
- Students must register for both courses. Include BOTH CRNs when registering. Together, the pair of courses totals 6 units.
MATH 115 C/115PC Finite Math
MATH 115 C and MATH 115PC are designed for students in Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, Humanities, or Mortuary Science.
These courses may be offered as a traditional course or as a hybrid course. In the hybrid course, students have the option of setting their own timeline and watching instructional videos created by the instructor for each lesson at a time that best fits their schedule. Exams are taken on campus.
Combination Classes for Finite Math
Take MATH 011 C Skills for Finite Math along with MATH 115PC Finite Math.
- MATH 011 C is a full-term co-requisite support course for MATH 115PC.
- Each section of MATH 011 C is paired with a specific MATH 115PC section. Students must take both of the courses in the pairing.
- MATH 011 C gives students needed support in order to be successful in MATH 115PC.
- Students must register for both courses. Include BOTH CRNs when registering. Together, the pair of courses totals 6 units.
30582, 30602 | 6 – 9:25 p.m. | M T W Th | Takeuchi, Kevin | SEM-204 |
Combination Classes for Probability and Statistics
Take MATH 012 C Skills for Probability and Statistics along with MATH 120PC Introduction to Probability and Statistics.
- MATH 012 C is a full-term co-requisite support course for MATH 120PC.
- Each section of MATH 012 C is paired with a specific MATH 120PC section. Students must take both of the courses in the pairing.
- MATH 012 C gives students needed support in order to be successful in MATH 120PC.
- Students will register for both courses. Include BOTH CRNs when registering. Together, the pair of courses totals 6 units.
30610, 30613 | 9:30 – 11:20 a.m. | Th | Hill, Garet | SEM-112 |
30641, 30642 | 3 – 6:25 p.m. | M T W Th | Choi, Timothy | SEM-203 |
Legacy Program
30643, 30644 |
9 a.m. – 12:25 p.m. | M T W Th | Ghaffari, Ardeshir | SEM-203 |
Combination Classes for Survey of Calculus
Take MATH 013 C Skills for Survey of Calculus along with MATH 130PC Survey of Calculus.
- MATH 013 C is a full-term co-requisite support course for MATH 130PC.
- Each section of MATH 013 C is paired with a specific MATH 130PC section. Students must take both of the courses in the pairing.
- MATH 013 C gives students needed support in order to be successful in MATH 130PC.
- Students will register for both courses. Include BOTH CRNs when registering. Together, the pair of courses totals 6 units.
30653, 30654 | 1 – 4:25 p.m. | M T W Th | Huynh, Paul | SEM-204 |
Combination Classes for College Algebra
Take MATH 014 C Skills for College Algebra along with MATH 141PC College Algebra.
- MATH 014 C is a full-term co-requisite support course for MATH 141PC.
- Each section of MATH 014 C is paired with a specific MATH 141PC section. Students must take both of the courses in the pairing.
- MATH 014 C gives students needed support in order to be successful in MATH 141PC.
- Students will register for both courses. Include BOTH CRNs when registering. Together, the pair of courses totals 6 units.
30656, 30657 | 10:30 a.m. – 12:35 p.m. | M T | Tran, Hoa | SEM-206 |
What is a Math Hybrid class?
A math hybrid class covers all the same material as a standard synchronous math class. The main difference is that most instruction is delivered asynchronously via engaging videos created by current Cypress College instructors. Students have as much, or even more, access to their instructors to get help throughout the semester.
Here is what your fellow students say about the Math video lectures in our Hybrid classes:
- Thank you Professors for creating such super high-quality videos! They offer even more than an in-person class could because the video lectures have great animations, pop-up windows of review material, formulas, and key concept reminders.
- I really like that I can pause the videos at any time while taking notes.
- It helped me a lot to be able to go back in the video if I missed any information or if I didn’t quite get it the first time.
- I can change the speed of video lectures to suit me. I can skip over parts that I already know how to do, or slow down and spend more time on the things that are more difficult for me.
- It helped me to be able to watch all or part of a video lecture again to review before the exam.
- I loved that I never had to miss any lectures because of my work schedule, illness, lost Internet connection, or other commitments, since I was able to take notes at the times that were best for me personally.