Cypress College Nursing Program Ranks No. 1 in the Country

The National Council Licensure Examination, which licenses professional nurses in the United States, recently released nationwide test results that showed Cypress College students achieving the highest passing rates in the country. In addition to placing first among passing rates in all California and all associate degree programs, the students scored the highest out of all test-takers in the county across all degrees, including bachelor’s degrees.
The 2023-2024 NCLEX- RN Program Reports show passing rate comparisons with other programs within licensing jurisdiction (state), with that of other programs of a similar type (associate degree), and within the United States. The 56 Cypress College Nursing Program students in this most recent cohort all scored 100%, placing first out of 142 state programs, first out of 1,175 Associate Degree in Nursing students, and first out of 2,218 programs nationwide, including those in bachelor’s degree, associate degree, and diploma-granting programs.
Cypress College President Dr. Scott W. Thayer offered congratulations to the nursing students and acknowledged the strength of instruction of the Health Science division’s program.
“This is a testament to the excellence at Cypress,” Thayer said.
These scores show an increase over last year, when students placed 46 out of 143 in California, 275 out of 1175 in associate degree programs, and 541 out of 2212 in all nationwide programs. Visit our website for information about Cypress College’s Nursing Program.