President Thayer’s Board Report for January 28, 2025

The following is a report to members of the North Orange County Community College District Board of Trustees
Presented by Cypress College President Scott W. Thayer, Ed.D.
on January 28, 2025

ACCJC Certifies Full Affirmation of Cypress College Accreditation

The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges has acted to reaffirm Cypress College’s accreditation for seven years. The action was taken at the ACCJC meeting held January 8-9. In addition, the commission commended Cypress College “for effectively implementing a mission-driven, college-wide data disaggregation strategy to ensure equity disparities are intentionally highlighted, evaluated, and discussed to improve student outcomes in certificate and degree attainment.”

There were no compliance requirements nor were there any recommendations for improving institutional effectiveness.

Cypress College thanks the entire team who produced the Institutional Self Evaluation Report and especially Accreditation Liaison Officer Bryan Ventura and faculty co-chair Jill Bauer for their leadership throughout the process and for their commitment to this successful outcome.

You’re Invited: Opening Day Convocation January 31

Cypress College hosts its spring Opening Day convocation Friday, January 31, 2025, in the Campus Theater. The event is open to the entire campus community and to members of the District.

The convocation is themed around the concept of #OneCypress — which is an umbrella for centering our work in a shared vision of student success and wrapping our students in the support provided across the campus. In addition, Dr. Byron D. Clift Breland will share remarks, presentation of classified employee awards will be made by the Classified Senate, campus updates will be provided, and a showcase of programs/initiatives will also be shared.

The day begins at 8:15 a.m. with breakfast and social time. The formal program starts at 9 a.m. and concludes by 11, with lunch following. Division meetings are scheduled for the afternoon.

Midpoint Convening Marks Progress on Development of Enrollment Plan

Members of the steering committee participating in the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Strategic Enrollment Management Academy attended a midpoint convening to work with program peers, other participating colleges, and coaches.

At the convening, the college presented an update on progress and shared three major focal points for the plan: scheduling, marketing and outreach, and student and academic support.

Steering Committee members are: Marc Posner, Kathleen Reiland, Belinda Allan, Jenelle Herman, Brittany Hamer, Strategic Enrollment Management Academy coach Jennifer LaBounty from Saddleback College, Brady Miller-Wakeham, Paul de Dios, Eileen Haddad, Kathleen McAlister, and Patricia Menchaca.

The chancellor’s office held the event in San Jose from January 15-16, 2025.

Newsom Appoints Cypress College Student Adu to Board of Governors

Love Adu, of Cypress, has been appointed to the California Community College Board of Governors, according to a news release by Governor Newsom’s office. She recently attended her first meeting.

The release highlighted her accomplishments: “Adu has been a Voters Choice Act Ambassador for California Secretary of State, Peer Tutor at Cypress College, Senator at the Associated Students of Cypress College, Publicist for the Cypress College Honors Program, and Policy Researcher at Diversify our Narrative since 2024, and a Civic Representative at and Poll Monitor and Misinformation Captain at Common Cause since 2023. She was a social media intern for California Senator Tom Umberg in 2021.”

The release continued: “Adu is a Co-Founder of the Politics and Policy Club at Cypress College, Board Member of League of Women Voters, North Orange County Chapter, Member of the Student Senate of California Community Colleges, Youth Advisory Board Member at The Representation Project Member of the GLSEN National Student Council and Partner at the Students Learn Students Vote Coalition.” Writing on LinkedIn, Adu said, “Thank you to Governor Gavin Newsom for nominating me to this position, to Cypress College and Cypress College Associated Students for supporting me throughout this process and in fostering my leadership and student advocacy. I plan to do this role justice.”

Randa Wahbe Elected to Citrus College Board of Trustees

Language Arts faculty member Randa Wahbe was sworn in to the Citrus College governing board as one of two newly elected trustees last month.

Dr. Wahbe has more than 25 years of experience in community college education. Prior to being hired at Cypress College as a full-time English faculty member, Wahbe had worked as adjunct instructor at Citrus College, among other institutions.

Buen Cypress! We Take This Journey Together!

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