How to Access Your Students’ Accommodations

Step 1

Visit the Charger Access Portal at

Click on “Accommodation Letters” at the top of the page

Image of home screen with instructor information

Step 2

Log in using your myGateway ID and password.

Image of myGateway login screen

Step 3

Select the correct term for which you want to review letters. Then, click on “View Letter” next to the student for which you would like to review their accommodations.

Screenshot of course listing

Step 4

On the next page, click on
Review PDF letter. You will
have the option to view or save
this document for your records.

Image of option to review PDF letter

Step 5

After you have viewed the letter,
please Confirm receipt by
marking the check box and then
click Submit.

Image of confirmation screen

Step 6

You will now be returned to the list of students requesting accommodations for your courses. Once you have reviewed all of your students’ letters, you may log out.