DSS and Division Liaison Project
The DSS Liaison Project was created to promote opportunities for DSS and divisions to exchange information to meet the needs of faculty, staff, and students with disabilities. DSS matched divisions/programs with one (or two) DSS staff or faculty member to serve as the division’s DSS liaison. DSS liaisons will be the division’s lifeline offering white glove service with immediate access and response. See the liaison list below.
Important: The liaison role does not change in any way an instructor’s responsibility to continue facilitating their students’ accommodations as usual.
Division/Department | DSS Liaison Name and Email |
CTE | Holly Segoviano Student Services Specialist hsegoviano@cypresscollege.edu |
A&R Health Sciences | Marylou Garibaldi Student Services Specialist mgaribaldi@cypresscollege.edu |
Distance Education L/LRC (tech) | Steve Auger Alternate Media Specialist sauger@cypresscollege.edu |
L/LRC (academic) Business / CIS | Adrienne Sanchez DSS Adjunct Counselor asanchez@cypresscollege.edu |
Counseling Division and Student Support Services | Summer Justice Student Services Coordinator sjustice@cypresscollege.edu |
Social Sciences SEM | Deborah Michelle DSS Counselor dmichelle@cypresscollege.edu |
Fine Arts | (Primary) Dr. Dawn Decker Learning Disabilities Specialist ddecker@cypresscollege.edu (Secondary) Katharine (Katie) Lampert DSS Adjunct Counselor klampert@cypresscollege.edu |
Kinesiology | (Primary) Dr. Dawn Decker Learning Disabilities Specialist ddecker@cypresscollege.edu (Secondary) Isaac Baek DSS Adjunct Counselor ibaek@cypresscollege.edu |
Language Arts | Sandra Garcia DHH Services Coordinator sgarcia@cypresscollege.edu |