ChAT Policies and Procedures Manual

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Colleges and universities around the country are becoming more diligent and proactive in providing a safe and healthy environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to their campuses. To support this effort, it is recommended that colleges and universities establish a behavioral intervention team (BIT) to engage in caring, preventive, and early intervention with college members whose behavior is disruptive, concerning, or threatening. BITs are small groups of appointed school officials who meet regularly to collect and review concerning information about at-risk students and develop intervention plans to assist them. The BIT is tasked with intake of referrals from the college, reviewing them to determine the level of risk or concern, and then developing action plans to address the risk or concern.

Cypress College has established the Charger Assessment Team (ChAT) to assist in addressing situations in which students, faculty, or staff are displaying behaviors that are concerning, disruptive, or threatening in nature and that potentially impede their own or others’ ability to function successfully or safely. These policies and procedures are designed to help identify persons whose behavior potentially impacts their own or others’ health or safety or is disruptive to the educational or administrative processes of the college.  

It is the responsibility of faculty, staff, and students to immediately refer any situation that could possibly result in harm to anyone at the college. Any member of the campus community may become aware of a person of concern or situation that is causing serious anxiety, stress, or fear. It must be noted, however, that behavioral assessment should not be confused with crisis management. A “crisis” may be defined as a situation in which a person may pose an active or immediate risk of violence to self or others. In these cases, Cypress College Campus Safety should be contacted at (714) 484-7387 or city law enforcement at 911.

Team Mission & Scope

Mission Statement: The Charger Assessment Team is a campus-wide team of staff, faculty, and managers responsible for identifying, assessing, and responding to concerns and/or disruptive behaviors by students who struggle academically, emotionally, or psychologically, or who present a risk to the health or safety of the college or its members.  

Team Goals:

  • Provide a safe and supportive physical and emotional environment for members of the college community.
  • Identify, assess, and intervene with individuals who are struggling or who demonstrate concerning or threatening behavior.
  • Provide support and resources to college community members who are concerned for another individual.

Team Responsibilities:

  1. Developing and implementing training for all members of the college community regarding behavioral assessment. This should include publications and promotional materials designed to create awareness and understanding of ChAT and what to refer, as well as in-person trainings to develop deeper knowledge on how to identify, support, and refer an individual of concern.
  2. Maintaining a current website, which can be easily accessed from the college’s home page and other relevant departmental pages. This site should include links to informational and referral sites and instructions for making a referral to ChAT.  
  3. Receiving, coordinating, and assessing referrals received from faculty, staff, students, and others regarding individuals of concern.
  4. Coordinating interventions and resource assistance for individuals of concern.

Team Membership

The Charger Assessment Team functions under the leadership of the Vice President of Student Services. The ChAT consists of college personnel with expertise in student services, mental and physical health, student conduct, and campus safety. Membership on ChAT represents an ongoing commitment to the mission of ChAT. Team members are critical to the functioning of the team. They are responsible for completing ongoing training, attending meetings, and assisting with follow-up and intervention as designated by their membership category. ChAT has two levels of membership:  1) core members; 2) resource members.


Core members attend every ChAT meeting and have full access to the team’s electronic record-keeping database. As core members, they represent their departments and have authority to make independent decisions within their areas of responsibility. If a core member is unable to attend a meeting, they have designated backups who attend in their place. The departments they represent are crucial to ChAT’s ability to gather data, accurately assess risk, and deploy effective interventions. Many core members keep records in their own departments and can share this information with the team through the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act’s emergency exception clause or when a school official has legitimate educational interest. The student health services operates under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).

The following individuals are considered core members:

Director of Disability Support Services: The DSS Director is currently the ChAT co-chair and attends all meetings. If the Director is unable to attend, the other co-chair, who is also the case manager, leads the meeting. The director organizes and disseminates the agenda and ensures team members’ attendance.

The Director of Disability Support Services also consults and offers guidance on issues of academic accommodations. Records in the disability services office are protected under FERPA and exist in the disability services electronic record system.

Information Sharing and Meeting Participation Responsibilities:

  • Update on registration with disability support services including accommodations offered and usage of accommodations
  • Consultation related to disability issues and accommodations

ChAT Case Manager: The ChAT Case Manager attends all meetings. The manager performs a cursory rating with the NaBITA Risk Rubric and ensures that a risk level is assigned to each case during meetings, and coordinates the selection and implementation of interventions and follow-up for cases. The manager also ensures appropriate and complete records are maintained in Maxient (electronic recordkeeping database).

Information Sharing and Meeting Participation Responsibilities:

  • Brief overview of the referral information (team members should have already read the referral in Maxient prior to the meeting)
  • Any history with the Dean of C&SD
  • Any involvement in, engagement in, or difficulty with student organizations
  • Large community issues: trends on social media, contact from parents, news outlets, etc.
  • Any financial aid or payment concerns

Dean of Counseling and Student Development (C&SD): The Dean of C&SD is responsible for campus conduct. The dean consults on cases involving on- and off-campus conduct violations, criminal charges, and academic disruptions. Conduct records are protected under FERPA and shared with ChAT by the Dean under the legitimate educational interest clause of FERPA.

Information Sharing and Meeting Participation Responsibilities:

  • Conduct history including prior charges, findings, sanctions, etc.
  • Admissions information including reporting prior criminal or conduct history

Director of Campus Safety: The Director of Campus Safety attends each meeting. If the Director is unable to attend, an officer attends the meeting. The Director serves as a liaison with local and federal law enforcement agencies, consults on ChAT cases that have criminal or law enforcement elements, contributes to the assessment of risk for referrals, and assists with interventions on campus requiring a Campus Safety presence.

Information Sharing and Meeting Participation Responsibilities:

  • Criminal history
  • Law enforcement contact and reports
  • Concealed carry permits or registered weapons information
  • Social media check, looking for concerning or threatening posts

Health Services Director: The student health services director collaborates with the team on students having medical emergencies, mental health challenges, and other health-related concerns. Information in the health center is protected by state confidentiality law based on the licensure of the nurses employed there and under HIPAA.

Information Sharing and Meeting Participation Responsibilities:

  • Updates on current medical challenges and treatment recommendations
    • Assistance connecting with treatment options both on and off campus
    • General insights and consultation on medical and health related issues

Faculty/Academic Instruction: This faculty member serves as the primary contact in working with faculty and department chairs. The academic representative also provides information related to academic history and performance as well as insight into the academic experience.

Information Sharing and Meeting Participation Responsibilities:

  • Academic transcript and history including any deviations from the student’s traditional performance, withdrawn semesters, academic petitions, etc.
  • Information or notes from academic advising
  • Updates from current professors, advisors, etc.


Resource membersserve ChAT in a consultant capacity. They are invited in for cases that relate to their specific content areas and do not attend meetings regularly. To facilitate awareness of ChAT cases and prompt their attendance at the meeting, resource members are sent the agenda in advance if the list of student names/cases overlap with their departments. When in attendance at the ChAT meeting, they only attend the portion of the meeting where the case related to their department is discussed. They do not have access to the team’s electronic database but are a common source of referrals to the team given their interactions with students in their departments.

  • Director of Student Activities: The director of student activities offers insight into student life, associated students, and student activities. If this person is unable to attend a meeting when invited, reports or other useful information should be sent to the chair of ChAT.
  • Coordinator of Veterans Resource Center: The coordinator of the VRCis available to consult with the ChAT when the individual is affiliated with their office due to current or prior military service. The VRC coordinator can determine a student’s military or veteran status, has a deeper understanding of local military-related and veteran resources, and experience with assisting those returning from active duty. They can provide updates on any interactions with their office, use of VA benefits, and potential supports or interventions that may assist.
  • Title IX Coordinator: The Title IX coordinator attends the meeting when there is a Title IX matter that overlaps in a way that is useful for both the Title IX coordinator and the ChAT to discuss. Records for Title IX are maintained separately from the ChAT records.
  • Athletics: Athletics staff, including but not limited to coaches, the director, and administrative staff, can provide information about the student’s performance on the athletic team, any concerning behavior or medical issues noticed by athletics staff, and can often serve as helpful sources of support for deploying interventions and resources. They also often have a deeper level of knowledge of a student-athlete’s support system and upbringing which may provide helpful context for observed behaviors.
  • International Student Services: International services staff share information with the ChAT when appropriate and provide collaborative intervention services for students in need. They are often aware of cultural or adjustment issues, international crises, and visa-related matters as well as resources available to support them.
  • LGBTQ+ Liaison: The LGBTQ+ Liaison will share information and collaborate with ChAT to secure community or campus resources that benefit the student. The Liaison will be aware of and understand the diversity of sexual orientation and gender identity and will connect and support the community of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students.    
  • Campus Communications:  The PIO will share information and collaborate with ChAT to help identify and address concerning social media posts, college messaging, etc. as it relates to students of concern.
  • Dean of LLRC: The LLRC Dean manages and oversees the library and learning resource center, a division that impacts all Cypress College students. The Dean may be able to provide anecdotal information related to specific incidents and students.
  • Support Services and Classified Rep: The classified representative from student support services (EOPS, CARE, CalWORKs) will share information and collaborate with ChAT when assisting students who are registered with EOPS, CARE, or CalWORKs. The resource member will help ChAT identify and secure appropriate resources as needed.

Team Operations


The Charger Assessment Team operations are guided by a three-phase process. The ChAT is tasked with receiving referrals from the community, reviewing them to determine the level of risk or concern, and then developing action plans to address the risk.

The initial ChAT incident referral (via Maxient) is auto-routed to the Case Manager and ChAT Chair. The Case Manager works the referral. For referrals that are identified as high risk, the Case Manager will work/process the referral immediately and will reach out to other ChAT members to assist. When the Case Manager is absent, the ChAT Chair will work the case. During a time that neither the Case Manager nor ChAT Chair is available/present, the Health Center Director or Mental Health Specialist will serve as the temporary Case Manager. 

Gather Data: Gathering data occurs two ways: 1) through training the community on how to identify disruptive or concerning behaviors in their earliest stages, and 2) by team members collecting and gathering data on students referred to the team from their respective areas and discussing the information during team meetings.

Risk Rubric Analysis: The ChAT analyzes the information it receives to determine the level of risk present. To do this objectively, ChAT applies the NABITA Risk Rubric to every case. Assessing the risk is critical to identifying the concerns present in the case and deploying interventions that align with the level of concern. The process for risk rubric analysis is described below.

Interventions: Finally, ChAT creates a plan of action and a set of interventions to mitigate the concerning behaviors and/or provide support to the community and individual. These interventions are tailored to the level of risk assessed using the NABITA Risk Rubric and to the unique needs of the case. Development and deployment of interventions is described below. The intervention phase is often on-going and not seen as a “one-and-done” approach. As such, the team will continue to evaluate the effectiveness of their interventions and action steps, re-engaging in the three-phase process of gathering data, assessing risk, and adjusting interventions as needed for each case.


The ChAT referral form is public-facing and any person, regardless of their affiliation with the college, may submit a referral to the team. The ChAT allows anonymous referrals.

All referrals to the ChAT are submitted through the public referral form. This includes instances in which a team member has a student they would like discussed by the team. Additionally, if a community member contacts a team member via an in-person conversation, email, or phone, regarding an individual for whom they have concern or who they would like to refer to the team, the team member will direct the individual to the public referral form for them to complete and/or will complete the public referral form on their behalf.

Concerns for safety, including suicidal ideation, suicidal gestures, harm to others, or significant disconnection from reality, should be first reported to 911 and/or campus safety. Following a report to 911 or law enforcement, a referral form should be submitted to ChAT.

The members of the campus community and those who interact with the ChAT possess critical information about at-risk members of the community, as well as those who may be becoming “at-risk.” One of the challenges for the ChAT is to activate, create, and operate channels of communication that allow for a flow of information from those who have it to those who need it — ChAT team members.

To this end, once a referral source submits a referral via the electronic referral form, the referral source receives an automated update confirming the receipt of their referral and providing expectations for next steps.

If a referral is lacking pertinent information for processing and/or assessing the referral, a member of the ChAT may attempt to contact the referral source to gather additional information. If additional information is not provided, the ChAT will follow its process with the available information.

For referral for students, following the team’s assessment of risk and development of appropriate interventions, the team chair or a member of the team will reach out to the referral source to provide an update as permitted by FERPA. FERPA allows the team to disclose information to any staff official with a need to know and to any person that may be needed to assist in resolving a health or safety emergency. The team will always balance the need to provide helpful updates to the referral source with the need to maintain a student’s privacy by sharing only the information that the referral source needs to know for the purpose of carrying out their professional or educational duties.

Other communications are tailored for specific situations. There are times when the team should consider bringing the referral source (faculty/staff) onboard to assist in the intervention process. FERPA gives the ChAT latitude to enlist relevant faculty or staff members as an aid to assist persons of concern. This helps to nurture the referral source and keep the faculty/staff member more connected to the team, and it also provides a collaborative approach to intervention and case management.


ChAT meetings are held weekly on Thursday afternoons from 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Emergency team meetings may be called when a new referral or ongoing case presents an imminent threat, or other time-sensitive decisions need to be made, and team members must address the concerns prior to the next team meeting.

Core team members are expected to attend all meetings. Core members send their backup when they are unable to attend. Prior to the meeting, the team chair circulates the agenda indicating the individuals to be discussed at the meeting. Team members are expected to review the list and gather information from their respective areas in order to have the information available during the team meeting.

Regular team meetings consist of the following steps:

  1. Prior Cases Discussion: For each prior case the team will engage in the three-phase process:
    1. Gather Data: Collect new information or updates
    2. Risk Rubric Analysis: Evaluate the need to adjust the risk level (see the Risk Assessment section below for details on risk rubric analysis process)
    3. Intervention: Determine the need for new or continued interventions or to move the case to inactive
  2. New Cases Discussion: For each new case the team will engage in the three-phase process following a briefing on the preliminary response by the ChAT case manager.
    1. Gather Data: Each team member will provide a report of the information gathered from their respective area
    2. Risk Rubric Analysis: The team will engage in a discussion to determine the current level of risk for the individual of concern. The case manager will guide the team to consensus to determine the risk rating (see the Risk Assessment section below for details on risk rubric analysis process)
    3. Intervention: The team will determine appropriate interventions based on risk level and assign each intervention to a team member for follow-up

It is the goal of the ChAT to avoid cancelling meetings whenever possible. On weeks that there are fewer cases, or even no cases, to discuss, the team will instead dedicate the team meeting time to ongoing discussion or training.


For every case referred to the team, the team will engage in an objective risk assessment process. The team uses the NABITA Risk Rubric to facilitate this assessment.

Preliminary Assessment: Referrals will be reviewed by the case manager or team chair when received. During this review, the case manager will determine a preliminary level of concern and possible first steps of action. If there are immediate concerns for safety, the case manager or chair may initiate a welfare check, contact campus safety or law enforcement, consult with other team members, and/or call for an emergency team meeting. Additionally, the case manager or chair may assign information-gathering tasks or initial action steps to team or community members in order to gather more information or address immediate needs relevant to their department. All cases, whether action was taken during the preliminary assessment or not, will be discussed during the regular team meeting for a full assessment.

Team Risk Assessment: During the team meeting, the team will apply the NABITA Risk Rubric to every case discussed by the team. Using the information gathered as part of the preliminary assessment and during the data gathering phase of the team meeting, the team will come to a consensus on the current level of risk for the case. Risk level will be reassessed each time the case is discussed at the team meeting and at the time of case closure.


As the third phase in the three-step process, teams develop and deploy interventions to reduce the risk and address the concerns identified in the case. The intensity and the scope of the interventions increase as the risk level increases. For each level of risk, the team has a defined set of interventions that are appropriate for addressing the risk present and each team member is trained to deploy interventions in a consistent, quality-controlled way. The ChAT utilizes the NABITA Risk Rubric set of interventions to guide the team decision making related to interventions. The NABITA Risk Rubric interventions are provided at the end of the Team Operations portion of this manual.

The authority to take the recommended action or implement the intervention rests with the core members’ official capacity at the college as a ChAT member. As part of their duties as ChAT members, team members have the authority to carry out the interventions assigned to them.

Team Communication & Silo Reduction

Communication is the essential element of an effective assessment team. ChAT operates more effectively when there is a sense of trust and connection among its members. This trust and connection are developed through ongoing conversations, frequent meetings, trainings, and discussions when tensions exist. The team chair watches over communication trends to ensure that problems are identified and addressed early and effectively.

 Keys to Effective ChAT Communication

  1. Team members are encouraged to operate on equal footing when it comes to conversations. The ChAT avoids hierarchy or shutting down conversations based on supervisory authority or positional power. Conversations are egalitarian and all team members are encouraged to share their perspectives.
  2. While conversation is encouraged, team members should also be careful about speaking outside of their areas of expertise or over-relying on unique personal experiences when making decisions. For example, conduct staff should not review health or mental health reports, and law enforcement should not be discussing the appropriateness of an emotional support animal accommodation on campus. This requires maintaining a balance, as ChAT values diverse perspectives. This diversity of opinion is set against the backdrop of respect for each other’s areas of expertise.
  3. The ChAT avoids reaching decisions based on superficial concord. Diverse perspectives and “what if” scenarios should be essential to vetting the quality of an assessment and the likelihood of a successful intervention. This does not mean outright discord and harmful debate and disagreement are encouraged; rather, it means that team members make space at the table for alternative viewpoints.
  4. The ChAT encourages team members to have dynamic discussions related to cases. These discussions should challenge conventional thinking and stress logic and solution-focused interventions. Team members are strongly encouraged to see each case as just that — a single event — and not to allow past frustrations or disagreements to impact future discussions.

In terms of silo-reduction, each department wrestles with the privacy (and sometimes privilege) of its information, and when and how it can appropriately be shared with the team. Most departments within the core of the team maintain records in accordance with FERPA and are able to share information under the law’s legitimate educational interest clause.

At the heart of this policy is the challenge between respecting the privacy needs of the individual while also ensuring the safety of the community. There will always be an appropriate tension between these two goals. This issue is more pressing for our student health department, which must follow professional ethical standards and state confidentiality laws and/or HIPAA, in addition to FERPA, and these often have a higher standard of protection in terms of what information can be released.

Student Health Services has requirements to share limited information when there is an imminent risk of suicide or harm to others. This is discussed in state law and the scope of practice for mental health clinicians, doctors, nurses, and other medical providers. The more challenging issue arises when the ChAT is discussing a student who is known to health services, and the privileged information kept within that department would be useful for the team to guide its assessment and intervention, but it does not meet the standard for release.

Team Training and Supervision

The ChAT is dedicated to the continuous improvement of the team through research and training. The team is dedicated to developing and maintaining knowledge of and engagement in best practices. The team also focuses on building a trusting and communicative team that can operate seamlessly across the various BIT processes.

Onboarding New Members: When new members rotate onto the team, the team chair will orient the new members to the team operations and protocols and to their responsibilities on the team. This orientation will include the following:

  1. Reviewing the ChAT Team Manual
  2. Reading the NABITA Standards for Behavioral Intervention Teams
  3. Reading the 2019 NABITA Risk Rubric Whitepaper

Ongoing Training: Each year, the ChAT will participate in trainings and team-building opportunities. Training should include different areas of content focus such as cultural and diversity issues, documentation, addressing siloed communication, mental health, self-care and team-care, threat assessment, educating the community with marketing and advertising, student death, and assessment and quality assurance.

Community Engagement & Education

The ChAT team recognizes that educating the community about what to refer is one of the most essential aspects of having a successful and effective team. Driving a multi-faceted marketing and education strategy is the philosophy that community members should be equipped to identify, support, and refer an individual of concern.

It is the responsibility of faculty, staff, and students to refer any individual who is struggling academically, emotionally, or psychologically, or who presents a risk to the health or safety of Cypress College or its members. ChAT therefore engages in efforts to increase the awareness of the team and to educate the community regarding who should be referred to the team and how to refer them.

When developing marketing and education content for the ChAT, the following information is a priority to communicate through all the various outlets:

  • What to Refer: The ChAT provides information related to which behaviors, statements, or concerns should be referred to the team. This includes a list of observable behaviors or other indicators that demonstrate an individual may be in need of a referral.
  • How to Contact the Team: There are many ways to contact the team. Ideally, community members would fill out the electronic referral form. This is ideal because it notifies team members quickly, and the information can be easily triaged or followed up on and recorded. ChAT recognizes that community members will have different levels of comfort when sharing information. ChAT is committed to allowing the community to refer through whatever means they feel comfortable, with the recognition that the ChAT team member receiving the referral will then submit a referral through the electronic system containing the collected information.
  • Composition of the Team: Community members have different levels of comfort sharing information with the team. Since gathering information is one of the most essential team functions, the team acknowledges that some students, faculty, and staff members may be more comfortable approaching a team member directly to make a referral. Members of the team are clearly communicated to the community and are outlined in the Team Membership section of this manual.

The following outlines key methods for ChAT team advertising to the campus community.

  • Web: The ChAT team maintains a Web presence to educate those in the community about the team.  The website contains the following information: how to make a referral, basic intervention skills and advice for faculty and staff.
  • In-Person Training: The ChAT team delivers training that provides an overview of the team as well as information on how to identify, support, and refer an individual of concern to the team. This presentation is delivered annually to all faculty and staff, associated students and to other groups as requested.
  • Cypress Connect App: The ChAT team developed an app page designed to help students, faculty, and staff easily refer individuals who are struggling. The app provides the referral form.

Documentation & Records

The ChAT team maintains records in the electronic recordkeeping database, partitioned apart from the student conduct records (which are also kept in the electronic database). Records from ChAT meetings are entered primarily by the case manager to ensure consistency in the creation of records. Core members also have access to the electronic record keeping database to update cases.

Records are maintained for seven years from the time the last entry was recorded in the electronic record keeping database for the case, unless there is a pressing issue that necessitates that specific notes be kept longer. This is done at the discretion of the ChAT team chair. Examples of this would include a student completing extended study on campus beyond seven years, or a student with elevated or above risk who leaves campus and presents a likelihood of return in future years.

Records are to be kept secure, and team members are expected to keep records safely firewalled and protected. Records should not be transmitted by email with identifying student, faculty, or staff information. Records should not be kept on USB or thumb drives. Information kept on laptop and computer systems should be under password protection.

Record Requests

If students request to see their ChAT team records, those records will be made available within one week to the student, but with the names of other students and/or referral sources redacted. A printed copy of their record will be presented to them at no cost. The ChAT team case manager (or designee) will review the records with students prior to them leaving with the records.

If faculty or staff members request to see their records, they will be made available through the human resources department’s policy.

Record Expungement/Removal

Students can request to have their ChAT team notes expunged. This would either entail the complete deletion of the record from the electronic recordkeepingsystem or the creation of a flag that precludes the notes from being shared with others when requested.

There are several reasons why students may request that their notes be expunged:

  • concerns that the notes would be discovered if they apply for political office,
  • the need to gain security clearance from the government or law enforcement for employment purposes, including internships or co-ops,
  • to ensure they are not blocked from a teaching or nursing position, or
  • a student learns of the documentation and is not comfortable having these records exist.

In the review, these reasons must be balanced against the ongoing relationship between the student and the college. The college doesn’t want to lose data they may need again in the future.

At the heart of the ChAT team’s work is the concept that collecting early alert information may allow for early prevention. By casting this net wide, the team will create files on students who likely will not escalate beyond their initial incident of concern. For instance, imagine a professor refers a tearful student in class whose girlfriend broke up with him. While we would want the professor to pay attention to these types of scenarios, it would be reasonable to assume this is a low-level mild risk on the NABITA Risk Rubric. If the student learns of this record, it would be equally reasonable for them to request a removal or expungement of the record.

When an expungement request is submitted, the chair of the ChAT will appoint two members, chosen based on the aspects of the specific case, to serve as a review committee. They will discuss the request and come to a decision about the appropriateness of expunging the records. This process will be completed within two weeks. For example, given the case described above, the team members may be from counseling and/or academic affairs.

The two members of the review committee will consider the following in making their determination:

  • Low-level risk (i.e., mild and moderate), one-time events should be strong candidates for expungement. Higher risk events that have repeated over time are not good candidates for expungement.
  • Events that occurred more than one year prior with no subsequent events or concerns should be considered for expungement. Events that have occurred recently (e.g., in the past few weeks or months) or have been repeated are not good candidates for expungement.
  • The review committee should contemplate the likelihood of needing the information being requested for expungement in the future.

In the event that the record is not approved for expungement, efforts should be made to explain this decision to the student and consider the appropriateness of adding a summary or note to the file to provide current context for the student’s behavior (assuming the student is in good standing). The ChAT team may also consult with general counsel at the District to gain another opinion about the decision.

The committee retains the authority to expunge, amend, or keep the note as it is. This provides for a more robust discussion with the student when the needs of the college to keep essential data and the desire of the student to have the data removed come into conflict.

Data Management

A referral to the team, whether collected verbally, via email, or via phone will be input as an official referral through the electronic record keeping system. All referrals will be electronically forwarded to the ChAT team case manager and selected members of the team for review and discussion during a preliminary response meeting. The referrals will become part of the electronic record keepingdatabase used for data gathering, assessment, and intervention.

Cases are not stagnant in nature and referrals to the team represent a snapshot in time. What the team believes to be true today may change as a situation unfolds. Much care should be taken not to form judgments or use the information in decision-making outside of the team functions.

In addition, none of the data may be distributed or viewed by personnel outside the core membership of the team without first consulting with the chair. Making notes in case files is limited to core members of the team.

Data Reporting

The ChAT team chair will compile an annual report to send to the vice president of student services and to make publicly available on the website. This data collection and reporting allows the team to understand how it is functioning and where there are potential weak spots in the team’s processes and approaches. The annual report is the institutional record of the team’s functionality and provides information on team operations to campus administrators, referral sources, students, and parents/family members. The annual report will include information related to:

  • Total number of referrals
  • Referral numbers broken down by demographics
  • Referral reasons
  • Referral sources
  • Interventions used
  • Team training and professional development
  • Team accomplishments
  • Areas for improvement

Budget Considerations

The ChAT has no budget set aside but rather requests funding from the Vice President of Student Services as needed for training, marketing, conferences, NABITA annual membership, etc.

Appendix A: NABITA Risk Rubric

NABITA Risk Rubric
NABITA Risk Rubric