Complaints, Disputes, and Grievances

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Cypress College adheres to laws and regulations and follows guidelines to resolve all types of complaints, disputes, and grievances related to college processes, procedures, employee conduct, discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence.

Many complaints, disputes, and grievances can be resolved informally by communicating with appropriate college personnel or accessing campus services. Where informal resolution is unsuccessful or inappropriate, a formal complaint may be filed and a formal investigation undertaken.

Student Non-Academic Complaints

Students who are dissatisfied with a campus process, procedure, or the conduct of a college employee may file a formal complaint. If appropriate, however, we encourage individuals to attempt informal resolution with college personnel first.

The Dean of Counseling and Student Development receives the dispute form.

General Academic Appeal

Students may file petitions for exception and general appeals related to admission policies, readmission after academic dismissal, graduation, degree and certificate requirements, grades and credit, repetition of courses, academic renewal, and withdrawals.

The Admissions and Records office receives the exception form.

Grade Change Appeal

An assigned grade may be formally appealed when there is evidence of one or more of the following conditions on the part of an instructor or staff member:

  • a mistake in the assignment or the entry of the grade;
  • fraud;
  • bad faith;
  • or incompetence.

Students who disagree with an assigned grade based on one or more conditions listed above may appeal for a grade change by completing the Final Grade Challenge form.

For information about the Grade Appeal process, please refer to the Cypress College Catalog.

The instructional dean who oversees the academic department receives the challenge form.

Unlawful Harassment or Discrimination

North Orange County Community College District Policies 3410 (Unlawful Discrimination), 3430 (Prohibition of Harassment), and 3540 (Sexual Assaults and Other Sexual Misconduct) prohibit discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), and sexual assault and misconduct in any educational, employment, or business program or activity of the District.

Students and employees who believe they have been subjected to unlawful discrimination, including harassment (which includes sexual harassment), or sexual assault, or who seek information regarding the Unlawful Discrimination, Harassment, or Sexual Assault/Misconduct Policies should contact the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources.

Irma Ramos
Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
1830 W. Romneya Drive
Anaheim, CA 92801-1819
(714) 808-4826

To file a formal complaint with the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources:

Sexual Assault or Misconduct – Title IX

Cypress College upholds BP 3540 on Sexual Assaults and Other Sexual Misconduct. If students or employees believe they have experienced sexual assault or other forms of sexual misconduct and seek support or further information, they should reach out to the college’s Title IX Coordinator for students or the NOCCCD Title IX Officer for employees.

Celeste Phelps
Dean, Student Support Services
Title IX Coordinator

Yasmine Andrawis
District Director, EEO & Compliance
NOCCCD Title IX Officer

Students or employees who have experienced sexual assault or misconduct either on campus or at a college event/activity and wish to submit a complaint can initiate the process by choosing the relevant option below.