Fola Odebunmi, M.A.

Email: fodebunmi@cypresscollege.edu
Phone: (714) 484-7000 Ext: 48228
Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 11:15–11:45 a.m.
Virtual Office Hour: Monday 6–7 p.m.
Location: Humanities, Room H-230
The Big Question: Why Study Economics?
Economics is a very interesting subject. It touches on every aspect of life. It is basically about relationship. It is about the choices people make to attain their goals, given their scarce resources. Human beings act from a variety of motives, economists emphasize that consumers and businesses consistently respond to economic incentives. Studying economics helps you to make more rational decisions and you make better choices. You are better equipped for the job market, you have more choice of Career options. Many people think that economics is just curves, models, and graphs, but in reality economics is much more nuanced. Economics will help you to think more critically.
Area of Interest and Research
Development Economics – Poverty & Microfinancing
Econ. 105 C: Principles of Microeconomics. This course concentrates on microeconomic analysis. Topics emphasized are the basic structure of the United States economic system and the interrelationships within its structure.
Econ. 100 C: Principles of Microeconomics. This course concentrates on macroeconomic analysis. Topics emphasized are aggregate supply and demand concepts, economic aggregates and the overall functioning of the American economy.
Econ. 105 HY: Principles of Microeconomics. This is a hybrid version of the Principles of Microeconomics Course. All teaching, learning and testing take place online. However, there is the requirement of a onetime campus meeting for orientation. The learning tool used is ‘Myeconlab.’
Econ. 100 HY: Principles of Macroeconomics. This is a hybrid version of the Principles of Macroeconomics Course. All teaching, learning and testing take place online. However, there is the requirement of a onetime campus meeting for orientation. The learning tool used is ‘Myeconlab.’
Reading List
- Microeconomics – R Glenn Hubbard & A. Patrick O’Brien
- Macroeconomics – R Glenn Hubbard & A. Patrick O’Brien
- The Journal of Economic Perspective (A Journal of the American Economic Association)
- The American Economic Review
- United Nations Development Reports ( Human Development Index)
- National Social science Journal