Michael Brydges, A.A., B.A., M.A.
Email: mbrydges@cypresscollege.edu
Phone: (714) 484-7000 Ext: 48440
Office Hours: Please see Office Hours within Canvas.
Location: Humanities 208 – C
About Professor Brydges
I began teaching in the department of Communication Studies in fall 1998. Prior to teaching at Cypress College, I taught part-time at various Southern California colleges and universities. I also worked as a Project Coordinator for a local Import/Export business in the Los Angeles area.
My Master of Arts degree is in Speech Communication from California State University, Los Angeles. I am the co-author of several ERIC published papers including, “Effective Teaching in the Multi-cultural Classroom” and “Translating Our Scholarship into Practice” which are published by Educational Resources Information Center.
Since coming to Cypress College, I have served as an Assistant Director of Forensics, a mentor for Puente Program, a faculty member within the Black Studies (now Legacy) program, a member of the Cultural Diversity Committee, Coordinator for the Peer Assisted Learning Program, Learning Communities Coordinator, and as Academic Senate President for the 2004 – 2005 year.
I have been involved in different Learning Communities, including “Dental Talk,” “Close Encounters,” and the University Transfer Achievement Program (UTAP).
Presently, in addition to teaching, I am the Co-Coordinator of Professional Development and the Title V Data Coach for the Fine Arts Division.
Recommended Courses
I truly enjoy teaching each of the following courses:
- COMM 50 – Effective Communication
- COMM 100 – Essential of Human Communication
- COMM 105 – Interpersonal Communication
- COMM 120 – Intercultural Communication
- COMM 135 – Argumentation and Critical Thinking
Please see our course page for more information.