Parwinder Sidhu, Ph.D.

Email: psidhu@cypresscollege.edu
Phone: (714) 484-7000 Ext: 48230
Office Hours: Monday-Wednesday 8:15-9 a.m. & 12:05-12:35 p.m.
Thursday 8:15 to 9 a.m.
Virtual Office Hours
Tuesday/Wednesday 12:35-1:05 p.m.
Location: Humanities, Room 222C
About Professor Sidhu
I would like to welcome you to the study of economics. Many of you might think, why Economics?
From the time your alarm clock buzzes to until you go to bed, all the decisions that you make are all “economic decisions”. The real world is a very complicated place. Economics helps to explain the mysteries of how people and society operate. Economic theory helps to make sense out of mystery and confusion by helping you to determine what’s important to the economic issue and what’s not. It enables you to decide what choice is best to the decision at hand and how to apply it, to get the best results.
Economists think analytically and critically to solve simple and complex problems. Since economics is a social science, economists understand and recognize human behavior in terms of consumption, production, distribution, and fundamental operations of the economy.
Economics is a science with excellent tools for gaining answers to a plethora of interesting questions. Economics studies how an economy works and how daily economic events affect us in our daily lives. Hence, you want to study this course because you want to make the best decisions for yourself with the limited resources that you’ve got.
Recommended Course
ECON 100C Principles of Economics – Macro
This course concentrates on macroeconomic analysis. Topics emphasized are aggregate supply/demand concepts, economic aggregates and the overall functioning of the American economy, with special emphasis on the role of the government. The course includes national income accounting, employment theory, business cycles, fiscal and monetary policy and economic growth. (Duplicate credit not granted for ECON 100HC).
- United States Department of Labor
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- World Trade Organization
- Economic Report of the President
ECON 100C – Principles of Economics – Macro
Textbook: Foundations of Macroeconomics, 8th Edition by Robin Bade and Michael Parkin
Catalog Description: The course concentrates on macroeconomic analysis. Topics emphasized are aggregate supply/demand concepts, economic aggregates and the overall functioning of the American economy, with emphasis on the role of the government. The course includes national income accounting, employment theory, business cycles, fiscal and monetary policy and economic growth. Duplicate credit not granted for ECON 100HC.
Instructional Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Analyze the three basic economic choices facing all societies.
- Label and manipulate the Production Possibilities Curve.
- Sketch and demonstrate the Ciruclar-Flow Model.
- Differentiate and compute GDP, NDP, NI, PI, and DI accounts.
- Compute APC, APS, MPC, MPS, and Multiplier measures.
- Interpret and generalize Keynesian AD/AS theory.
- Describe the operation of fiscal and monetary policies, and compute the impacts of such operations.
- Outline the six growth factors, and analyze their contributions to historical U.S. economic growth.
- Identify the patterns of U.S. exports and imports and financing the international trade.
Student Learning Outcomes:
SLO – 1) Upon completion of the course students will be able to differentiate between the following economic concepts:
- Change in quantity demanded
- Change in demand
- Change in quantity supplied
- Change in supply
SLO – 2) Upon completion of the course students will be able to comprehend and apply the concept of GDP and economic growth.
SLO – 3) Upon completion of the course students with a given fiscal policy specifying tax or spending change, will demonstrate knowledge of change and identify any resulting change in GDP and CPI levels.
Evaluation Profile:
Tests (4) 200 points
(including quizzes for each chapter)
Home Work (4) 80 points
Final Examination 100 points
Tests: There will be four tests. These tests will have 40 multiple choice questions. Each question will be worth one point. There will not be any makeup test unless it’s a proved emergency.
Quizzes: The student will be taking the quizzes posted on ‘My Econ Lab’ under quizzes. There are 10 multiple choice questions for each chapter and there are 4 or 5 chapters per class test. 70% is the passing grade for each quiz.
After submitting the quiz, the system generates a ‘Study Plan’, based on student’s performance on the quizzes. Follow the study plan to improve your understanding and subsequent performance in the course. You can go back to the quizzes after following the step-by-step help on the study plan, to retake these quizzes, until you’ve scored 70%, better, or a perfect score. The study plan helps the student to improve on quiz scores, helps the student prepare for the class tests and also lets you earn points for each quiz.
When you’ll pass these 4 or 5 quizzes for each test – I’ll give you 10 points. These points will be added towards your class test. If there are only 4 chapters to be covered for a test, each quiz will weigh 2.5 points. For example, if you only pass two out of the 4 quizzes, you’ll get 5/10 points.
You could take these quizzes as you finish reading the chapter, and these quizzes will be due before the class test. The due dates for the quizzes are posted on the quizzes.
Homework: There will be 4 home work assignments and each assignment will have 4 essay type questions. Each question will be worth 5 points, thus each assignment will be worth 20 points. The home work assignments due dates will be given to you. The students are responsible to remember the due dates and turn in the assignments on time. Late assignments will not be accepted – not even for half credit. The home work has to be printed (computer printed). The graphs could be hand drawn. No HANDWRITTEN assignment will be accepted.
Final Exam: Final exam will be cumulative – meaning it will cover all the chapters covered and discussed during the entire semester. Final exam will consist of multiple choice questions.
Final Evaluation: I sum up all the points students accumulate throughout the course. That calculation is injected into the grading scale above to determine each student’s letter grade for the course.
The grading scale is an approximation of the total points for the semester. The instructor reserves the right to modify the course grading scale which is ultimately based on the number of points possible.
Final evaluation for the course will be by means of a letter grade.
Letter grade of A = 342 points or more
Letter grade of B = 304-341.9 points
Letter grade of C = 266-303.9 points
Letter grade of D = 228-265.9 points
Letter grade of F = 227.9 points or less
(I do not grade on a curve).
Important: Any student who does not report for the final examination and who does not contact the instructor within 24 hours after the examination has been given will receive “F” for the final examination. The instructor has no obligation to give make-up examination to students who fail to contact the instructor within 24-hour period.
Counseling: Any student who needs help or clarification is urged to arrange for an appointment with the instructor immediately.
Attendance: Regular attendance is required. The class meets 1 hour and 20 minutes a day, two times a week. Students with more than two absences may be dropped from the class. Two tardies of 5 minutes or more will count the same as an absence. Students are expected to arrive on time and remain until the class is dismissed. Students who leave class early will be counted as absent for that class meeting. If there is a problem or concern about attendance or grades or the student needs to make up a test before graded tests are returned, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor. (Telephone and voice mail numbers are printed above.) If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to get assignment for the next class meeting. Dental appointments and routine medical appointments should not be scheduled during class hours.
The instructor reserves the right to drop students for not attending the first class meeting, for excessive absences, and continued tardiness. It is the student’s responsibility to see that his/her name appears on the instructor’s course roster. While the attendance policy permits the instructor to drop students before the cut-off date, it is the student’s responsibility to drop the course if he or she no longer wishes to be enrolled in the course. Failure to do so after the cut-off date will result in student being held responsible for fees, grades, etc.
Adding/Dropping the Class: It is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO OFFICIALLY DROP THE CLASS whenever the student determines that she/he can no longer attend the class. Failure to do so may result in a failing grade.
Student Conduct: Students are expected to practice the following. Failure to do so is subject to disciplinary sanctions as outlined in “Student Code of Conduct” in the General Catalog for the college.
- Please turn off your cell phones and other electronic devices before class begins.
- Do not talk or pass notes to other students once lecture begins. This behavior is disruptive and not conducive for a learning environment.
- Student’s aren’t allowed to bring other individuals to class.
- Do not bring children to class.
To have an effective learning environment, the instructor expects students to behave in mature and academic manner while in the classroom. If disruptive behavior occurs, the student(s) in question will be given only one warning. If the disruptive behavior continues, the students will be asked to leave the class room. Afterwards, the instructor will begin the process to remove the student(s) from the course.
Academic Accommodation Statement: If you have a disability and believe that you will need accommodations, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and the Disability Support Services as soon as possible. The DSS Office is located in the Cypress College Complex, 1st floor, (714) 484-7014 (voice) (714) 761-0961 (TDD).
Academic Honesty Policy: The college standards of academic honesty will be applied in this class. The policy may be found in the College Catalog, the official publication addressing and guiding academic and student services policies.
Students are expected to abide by ethical standards in preparing and presenting material which demonstrates their level of knowledge and which is used to determine grades. Such standards are founded on basic concepts of integrity and honesty.
These include, but are not limited to the following areas:
- Students shall not plagiarize, which is defined as stealing or passing off as one’s own ideas or words of another and as using a creative production without crediting the source. The following cases are examples of what constitutes plagiarism:
- Paraphrasing published material without acknowledging the source.
- Making significant use of an idea or a particular arrangement of ideas, e.g., outlines.
- Writing a paper without consulting with persons who provide suitable ideas and incorporating these ideas into the paper without acknowledging the debt.
2. Students shall not cheat, which is defined as using notes, aids, or the help of other students on tests or exams in ways other than those expressly permitted by the instructor; and as misreporting or altering the data in laboratory or research projects involving the collection of data.
3. Students shall not submit an original paper or project to more than one class without approval from the second instructor. Instructors who do not accept previously submitted papers should so inform the students in the course syllabus.
4. Students shall not furnish materials or information in order to enable another student to plagiarize or cheat.
Plagiarism Prevention and Detection: In its commitment to academic honesty, Cypress College uses Turnitin.com software to prevent and detect plagiarism.
The instructor reserves the right to submit student assignments to Turnitin.com to check for textual similarities between those assignments, Internet sources and the Turnitin.com assignment database. Students will be required to electronically submit their written work for plagiarism checking. Assignments submitted to Turnitin.com will become part of their database and will be used only for plagiarism prevention and detection.
- Assign an appropriate academic penalty such as an oral reprimand (as in cases where there is reasonable doubt that the student knew that the action violated the standards of honesty); or assign a “F” on all or part of a particular paper, project, or exam (for example where there was proof that it was a one-time occurrence). In cases where a “F” was assigned, report the incident to all appropriate personnel (See Step 3).
- In cases where the dishonesty was serious, premeditated, or part of on ongoing scheme, request and ad hoc review board made of at least three faculty members from the department or division of the instructor involved. This review board is to be appointed by the Academic Senate President or his/her delegate in consultation with the department coordinator, or if none is in place, with the members of the department. Supply to the review board the documents which are suspect and any other documents completed by the student which might help determine if academic dishonesty occurred. It would then be the responsibility of the review board to determine academic penalties as appropriate.
- Report to the student involved, to the department coordinator, to the Division Dean, and to the Dean of Counseling and Student Development, the alleged incident of academic dishonesty, including relevant documentation, and recommendations for action that he or she deems appropriate.
- The appropriate Division Dean shall maintain an academic dishonesty file of all cases of academic dishonesty with the appropriate documentation.
- Students shall be informed when their names are inserted into the file and provided with copies of any appeals or disciplinary procedures in which they may become involved. The appropriate Division Dean may initiate disciplinary proceedings under Education Code, Article 3, Section 76030-76037; when two or more incidents involving the same student occur, he/she shall do so.
- Students charged with violations, resulting in disciplinary action have the right to appeal the findings to the Petitions Committee under the Rules and Procedures of Due Process.
Student Support Services: All the student support services with the building numbers and the telephone numbers are mentioned in the class schedule under, “Quick Guide to Help You.”
ECON 100C – Honors Principles of Economics – Macro
Text Book: Foundations of Macroeconomics, 8th Edition by Robin Bade and Michael Parkin
Catalog Description: This course is an enhanced study of macroeconomics, focusing on the structure and operation of the American economy. Special topics include simulated practice of fiscal and monetary policy, and web-site updates of statistical economics. Duplicate credit not granted for ECON 100C.
Instructional Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Analyze the three basic economic choices facing all societies.
- Label and manipulate the Production Possibilities Curve.
- Sketch and demonstrate the Circular-Flow Model.
- Differentiate and compute GDP, NDP, NI, PI, and DI accounts.
- Compute APC, APS, MPC, MPS, and Multiplier measures.
- Interpret and generalize Keynesian AD/AS theory.
- Describe the operation of fiscal and monetary policies, and compute the impacts of such operations.
- Outline the six growth factors, and analyze their contributions to historical U.S. economic growth.
- Identify the patterns of U.S. exports and imports and financing the international trade.
Student Learning Outcomes:
SLO – 1) Upon completion of the course students will be able to differentiate between the following economic concepts:
- Change in quantity demanded
- Change in demand
- Change in quantity supplied
- Change in supply
SLO – 2) Upon completion of the course students will be able to comprehend and apply the concept of GDP and economic growth.
SLO – 3) Upon completion of the course students with a given fiscal policy specifying tax or spending change, they will demonstrate knowledge of change and identify any resulting change in GDP and CPI levels – in relation to a given fiscal policy.
Final Exam: Final exam will be cumulative – meaning it will cover all the chapters covered and discussed during the entire semester. Final exam will consist of multiple choice questions.
Final Evaluation: I sum up all the points students accumulate throughout the course. That calculation is injected into the grading scale above to determine each student’s letter grade for the course.
The grading scale is an approximation of the total points for the semester. The instructor reserves the right to modify the course grading scale which is ultimately based on the number of points possible.
Final evaluation for the course will be by means of a letter grade.
Letter grade of A = 342 points or more
Letter grade of B = 304-341.9 points
Letter grade of C = 266-303.9 points
Letter grade of D = 228-265.9 points
Letter grade of F = 227.9 points or less
(I do not grade on a curve).
Important: Any student who does not report for the final examination and who does not contact the instructor within 24 hours after the examination has been given will receive “F” for the final examination. The instructor has no obligation to give makeup examination to students who fail to contact the instructor within 24-hour period.
Counseling: Any student who needs help or clarification is urged to arrange for an appointment with the instructor immediately.
Attendance: Regular attendance is Required. The class meets 1 hour and 20 minutes a day, two times a week. Students with more than two absences may be dropped from the class. Two tardies of 5 minutes or more will count the same as an absence. Students are expected to arrive on time and remain until the class is dismissed. Students who leave class early will be counted as absent for that class meeting. If there is a problem or concern about attendance or grades or the student needs to make up a test before graded tests are returned, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor. (Telephone and voice mail numbers are printed above.) If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to get assignment for the next class meeting. Dental appointments and routine medical appointments should not be scheduled during class hours.
The instructor reserves the right to drop students for not attending the first class meeting, for excessive absences, and continued tardiness. It is the student’s responsibility to see that his/her name appears on the instructor’s course roster. While the attendance policy permits the instructor to drop students before the cut-off date, it is the student’s responsibility to drop the course if he or she no longer wishes to be enrolled in the course. Failure to do so after the cut-off date will result in student being held responsible for fees, grades, etc.
Adding/Dropping the Class: It is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO OFFICIALLY DROP THE CLASS whenever the student determines that she/he can no longer attend the class. Failure to do so may result in a failing grade.
Student Conduct: Students are expected to practice the following. Failure to do so is subject to disciplinary sanctions as outlined in “Student Code of Conduct” in the General Catalog for the college.
- Please turn off your cell phones and other electronic devices before class begins.
- Do not talk or pass notes to other students once lecture begins. This behavior is disruptive and not conducive for a learning environment.
- Student’s aren’t allowed to bring other individuals to class.
- Do not bring children to class.
In order to have an effective learning environment, the instructor expects students to behave in mature and academic manner while in the classroom. If disruptive behavior occurs, the student(s) in question will be given only one warning. If the disruptive behavior continues, the students will be asked to leave the class room. Afterwards, the instructor will begin the process to remove the student(s) from the course.
Academic Accommodation Statement: If you have a disability and believe that you will need accommodations, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and the Disability Support Services as soon as possible. The DSS Office is located in the Cypress College Complex, 1st floor, (714) 484-7014 (voice) (714) 761-0961 (TDD).
Academic Honesty Policy: The college standards of academic honesty will be applied in this class. The policy may be found in the College Catalog, the official publication addressing and guiding academic and student services policies.
Students are expected to abide by ethical standards in preparing and presenting material which demonstrates their level of knowledge and which is used to determine grades. Such standards are founded on basic concepts of integrity and honesty.
These include, but are not limited to the following areas:
- Students shall not plagiarize, which is defined as stealing or passing off as one’s own ideas or words of another and as using a creative production without crediting the source. The following cases are examples of what constitutes plagiarism:
- Paraphrasing published material without acknowledging the source.
- Making significant use of an idea or a particular arrangement of ideas, e.g., outlines.
- Writing a paper without consulting with persons who provide suitable ideas and incorporating these ideas into the paper without acknowledging the debt.
2. Students shall not cheat, which is defined as using notes, aids, or the help of other students on tests or exams in ways other than those expressly permitted by the instructor; and as misreporting or altering the data in laboratory or research projects involving the collection of data.
3. Students shall not submit an original paper or project to more than one class without approval from the second instructor. Instructors who do not accept previously submitted papers should so inform the students in the course syllabus.
4. Students shall not furnish materials or information in order to enable another student to plagiarize or cheat.
Plagiarism Prevention and Detection: In its commitment to academic honesty, Cypress College uses Turnitin.com software to prevent and detect plagiarism.
The instructor reserves the right to submit student assignments to Turnitin.com to check for textual similarities between those assignments, Internet sources and the Turnitin.com assignment database. Students will be required to electronically submit their written work for plagiarism checking. Assignments submitted to Turnitin.com will become part of their database and will be used only for plagiarism prevention and detection.
- Assign an appropriate academic penalty such as an oral reprimand (as in cases where there is reasonable doubt that the student knew that the action violated the standards of honesty); or assign a “F” on all or part of a particular paper, project, or exam (for example where there was proof that it was a one-time occurrence). In cases where a “F” was assigned, report the incident to all appropriate personnel (See Step 3).
- In cases where the dishonesty was serious, premeditated, or part of on ongoing scheme, request and ad hoc review board made of at least three faculty members from the department or division of the instructor involved. This review board is to be appointed by the Academic Senate President or his/her delegate in consultation with the department coordinator, or if none is in place, with the members of the department. Supply to the review board the documents which are suspect and any other documents completed by the student which might help determine if academic dishonesty occurred. It would then be the responsibility of the review board to determine academic penalties as appropriate.
- Report to the student involved, to the department coordinator, to the Division Dean, and to the Dean of Counseling and Student Development, the alleged incident of academic dishonesty, including relevant documentation, and recommendations for action that he or she deems appropriate.
- The appropriate Division Dean shall maintain an academic dishonesty file of all cases of academic dishonesty with the appropriate documentation.
- Students shall be informed when their names are inserted into the file and provided with copies of any appeals or disciplinary procedures in which they may become involved. The appropriate Division Dean may initiate disciplinary proceedings under Education Code, Article 3, Section 76030-76037; when two or more incidents involving the same student occur, he/she shall do so.
- Students charged with violations, resulting in disciplinary action have the right to appeal the findings to the Petitions Committee under the Rules and Procedures of Due Process.
Student Support Services: All the student support services with the building numbers and the telephone numbers are mentioned in the class schedule under, “Quick Guide to Help You.”
ECON 105C – Principles of Economics – Macro (Online)
Textbook: Foundations of Macroeconomics, 8th Edition by Robin Bade and Michael Parkin
Catalog Description: The course concentrates on macroeconomic analysis. Topics emphasized are aggregate supply/demand concepts, economic aggregates and the overall functioning of the American economy, with emphasis on the role of the government. The course includes national income accounting, employment theory, business cycles, fiscal and monetary policy and economic growth. Duplicate credit not granted for ECON 100HC.
Instructional Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Analyze the three basic economic choices facing all societies.
- Label and manipulate the Production Possibilities Curve.
- Sketch and demonstrate the Circuclar-Flow Model.
- Differentiate and compute GDP, NDP, NI, PI, and DI accounts.
- Compute APC, APS, MPC, MPS, and Multiplier measures.
- Interpret and generalize Keynesian AD/AS theory.
- Describe the operation of fiscal and monetary policies, and compute the impacts of such operations.
- Outline the six growth factors, and analyze their contributions to historical U.S. economic growth.
- Identify the patterns of U.S. exports and imports and financing the international trade.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course students will be able to differentiate between the following economic concepts:
- Change in quantity demanded
- Change in demand
- Change in quantity supplied
- Change in supply
Upon completion of the course students will be able to comprehend and apply the concept of GDP and economic growth.
Upon completion of the course students with a given fiscal policy specifying tax or spending change, they will demonstrate knowledge of change and identify any resulting change in GDP and CPI levels – in relation to a given fiscal policy.
Evaluation Profile:
Tests (4) 200 points
(including quizzes for each chapter)
Assignments (4) 80 points
Final Examination 100 points
Tests: There will be four tests. These tests will have 40 multiple choice questions. Each question will be worth one point. There will not be any makeup test unless it’s a proved emergency.
Quizzes: The student will be taking the quizzes posted on ‘My Econ Lab’ under quizzes. There are 10 multiple choice questions for each chapter and there are 4 or 5 chapters per class test. You’ll have to get at least 70% to pass each quiz.
After you submit your quiz, the system generates a ‘Study Plan’, based on your performance on the quizzes. Follow the study plan to improve your understanding and subsequent performance in the course. You can go back to the quizzes after following the step-by-step help on the study plan, to retake these quizzes, until you’ve scored 70%, better, or a perfect score. The study plan helps you to improve on your quiz scores, helps you prepare for the class tests and also lets you earn points for each quiz.
When you’ll pass these 4 or 5 quizzes for each test, I’ll give you 10 points. These points will be added toward your class test score. If there are only 4 chapters to be covered for a test, each quiz will weigh 2.5 points. For example, if you only pass 2 out of the 4 quizzes, you’ll only get 5/10 points.
You could take these quizzes as you finish reading the chapter, and these quizzes will be due before the class test. The due dates for the quizzes are posted on the quizzes.
Assignments: There will be 4 assignments and each assignment will have essay type questions. Each assignment will be worth 20 points. These assignments are due on the dates given in the Time Schedule given with the course syllabus. The students are responsible to remember the due dates and turn in the assignments on time. Late assignments will not be accepted – not even for half credit.
These assignments have to be turned in the “Drop Box” link on “My Econ Lab.” Please make sure that the assignments are in the Word Document format. If the assignments are not in this format, you will not be given any credit (No Exceptions).
Final Exam: Final exam will be cumulative – meaning it will cover all the chapters covered and discussed during the entire semester. Final exam will consist of multiple choice questions.
Final Evaluation: I sum up all the points students accumulate throughout the course. That calculation is injected into the grading scale above to determine each student’s letter grade for the course.
The grading scale is an approximation of the total points for the semester. The instructor reserves the right to modify the course grading scale which is ultimately based on the number of points possible.
Final evaluation for the course will be by means of a letter grade.
Letter grade of A = 342 points or more
Letter grade of B = 304-341.9 points
Letter grade of C = 266-303.9 points
Letter grade of D = 228-265.9 points
Letter grade of F = 227.9 points or less
(I do not grade on a curve).
Important: Any student who does not report for the final examination and who does not contact the instructor within 24 hours after the examination has been given will receive “F” for the final examination. The instructor has no obligation to give makeup examination to students who fail to contact the instructor within 24-hour period.
Counseling: Any student who needs help or clarification is urged to arrange for an appointment with the instructor immediately.
Attendance: Regular attendance is Required. The instructor reserves the right to drop students for not attending the first class meeting and for excessive absences. It is the student’s responsibility to see that his/her name appears on the instructor’s course roster. While the attendance policy permits the instructor to drop students before the cut-off date, it is the student’s responsibility to drop the course if he or she not longer wishes to be enrolled in the course. Failure to do so after the cut-off date will result in students being held responsible for fees, grades, etc.
Adding/Dropping the Class: It is the student’s responsibility to officially drop a class whenever the student determines that he/she can no longer attend the class. Failure to to so may result in a failing grade.
Academic Accommodation Statement: If you have a disability and believe that you will need accommodations, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and the Disability Support Services as soon as possible. The DSS Office is located in the Cypress College Complex, 1st floor, (714) 484-7014 (voice) (714) 761-0961 (TDD).
Academic Honesty Policy: The college standards of academic honesty will be applied in this class. The policy may be found in the College Catalog, the official publication addressing and guiding academic and student services policies.
Students are expected to abide by ethical standards in preparing and presenting material which demonstrates their level of knowledge and which is used to determine grades. Such standards are founded on basic concepts of integrity and honesty.
These include, but are not limited to the following areas:
- Students shall not plagiarize, which is defined as stealing or passing off as one’s own ideas or words of another and as using a creative production without crediting the source. The following cases are examples of what constitutes plagiarism:
- Paraphrasing published material without acknowledging the source.
- Making significant use of an idea or a particular arrangement of ideas, e.g., outlines.
- Writing a paper without consulting with persons who provide suitable ideas and incorporating these ideas into the paper without acknowledging the debt.
2. Students shall not cheat, which is defined as using notes, aids, or the help of other students on tests or exams in ways other than those expressly permitted by the instructor; and as misreporting or altering the data in laboratory or research projects involving the collection of data.
3. Students shall not submit an original paper or project to more than one class without approval from the second instructor. Instructors who do not accept previously submitted papers should so inform the students in the course syllabus.
4. Students shall not furnish materials or information in order to enable another student to plagiarize or cheat.
Plagiarism Prevention and Detection: In its commitment to academic honesty, Cypress College uses Turnitin.com software to prevent and detect plagiarism.
The instructor reserves the right to submit student assignments to Turnitin.com to check for textual similarities between those assignments, Internet sources and the Turnitin.com assignment database. Students will be required to electronically submit their written work for plagiarism checking. Assignments submitted to Turnitin.com will become part of their database and will be used only for plagiarism prevention and detection.
- Assign an appropriate academic penalty such as an oral reprimand (as in cases where there is reasonable doubt that the student knew that the action violated the standards of honesty); or assign a “F” on all or part of a particular paper, project, or exam (for example where there was proof that it was a one-time occurrence). In cases where a “F” was assigned, report the incident to all appropriate personnel (See Step 3).
- In cases where the dishonesty was serious, premeditated, or part of on ongoing scheme, request and ad hoc review board made of at least three faculty members from the department or division of the instructor involved. This review board is to be appointed by the Academic Senate President or his/her delegate in consultation with the department coordinator, or if none is in place, with the members of the department. Supply to the review board the documents which are suspect and any other documents completed by the student which might help determine if academic dishonesty occurred. It would then be the responsibility of the review board to determine academic penalties as appropriate.
- Report to the student involved, to the department coordinator, to the Division Dean, and to the Dean of Counseling and Student Development, the alleged incident of academic dishonesty, including relevant documentation, and recommendations for action that he or she deems appropriate.
- The appropriate Division Dean shall maintain an academic dishonesty file of all cases of academic dishonesty with the appropriate documentation.
- Students shall be informed when their names are inserted into the file and provided with copies of any appeals or disciplinary procedures in which they may become involved. The appropriate Division Dean may initiate disciplinary proceedings under Education Code, Article 3, Section 76030-76037; when two or more incidents involving the same student occur, he/she shall do so.
- Students charged with violations, resulting in disciplinary action have the right to appeal the findings to the Petitions Committee under the Rules and Procedures of Due Process.
Student Support Services: All the student support services with the building numbers and the telephone numbers are mentioned in the class schedule under, “Quick Guide to Help You.”
ECON 105C – Principles of Economics – Micro (Online)
Textbook: Foundations of Microeconomics, 8th Edition by Robin Bade and Micheal Parkin.
Catalog Description: This course concentrates on microeconomic analysis. Topics emphasized are basic structure of the United States economic system, and interrelationships within this structure. The course includes a study of comparative economic systems, supply and demand, price determination, the consumer behavior, the market models, resource pricing and allocation, poverty and inequality of income analysis. Duplicate credit not granted for ECON 105HC.
Instructional Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Analyze the three basic economic choices facing all societies.
- Label and manipulate the Production Possibilities Curve.
- Sketch and demonstrate the Circular-Flow Model.
- State and evaluate the two functions of prices in a market system.
- Sketch and manipulate supply-demand curves to determine equilibrium and market price and quantities.
- Interpret and compute the elasticity of demand and elasticity of supply measure.
- Compare and contrast the various types of business costs and revenues.
- Compute and demonstrate the MC=MR business decision rule.
- Evaluate and give examples of the four market models.
Student Learning Outcomes:
SLO- 1) Upon completion of the course students will be able to measure and evaluate the price elasticity of demand.
SLO – 2) Upon completion of the course students will be able to differentiate between the different kinds of costs associated with fixed and variable inputs.
SLO – 3) Upon completion of the course students will be able to identify, compare and contrast between the four distinct forms of market structures.
Evaluation Profile:
Tests (4) 200 points
(including quizzes for each chapter)
Assignments (4) 80 points
Final Examination 100 points
Tests: There will be four tests. These tests will have 40 multiple choice questions. Each question will be worth one point. There will not be any makeup test unless it’s a proved emergency.
Quizzes: The student will be taking the quizzes posted on ‘My Econ Lab’ under quizzes. There are 10 multiple choice questions for each chapter and there are 4 or 5 chapters per class test. You’ll have to get at least 70% to pass each quiz.
After you submit your quiz, the system generates a ‘Study Plan’, based on your performance on the quizzes. Follow the study plan to improve your understanding and subsequent performance in the course. You can go back to the quizzes after following the step-by-step help on the study plan, to retake these quizzes, until you’ve scored 70%, better, or a perfect score. The study plan helps you to improve on your quiz scores, helps you prepare for the class tests and also lets you earn points for each quiz.
When you’ll pass these 4 or 5 quizzes for each test-I’ll give you 10 points. These points will be added towards your class test score. If there are only 4 chapters to be covered for a test, each quiz will weigh 2.5 points. For example, if you only pass 2 out of the 4 quizzes, you’ll only get 5/10 points.
You could take these quizzes as you finish reading the chapter, and these quizzes will be due before the class test. The due dates for the quizzes are posted on the quizzes.
Assignments: There will be 4 assignments and each assignment will have essay type questions. Each assignment will be worth 20 points. These assignments are due on the dates given in the Time Schedule given with the course syllabus. The students are responsible to remember the due dates and turn in the assignments on time. Late assignments will not be accepted – not even for half credit.
These assignments have to be turned in the “Drop Box” link on “My Econ Lab”. Please make sure that the assignments are in the “Word 97-2003 Document” format. If the assignments are not in this format, you will not be given any credit (No Exceptions).
Final Exam: Final exam will be cumulative – meaning it will cover all the chapters covered and discussed during the entire semester. Final exam will consist of multiple choice questions.
Final Evaluation: I sum up all the points students accumulate throughout the course. That calculation is injected into the grading scale above to determine each student’s letter grade for the course.
The grading scale is an approximation of the total points for the semester. The instructor reserves the right to modify the course grading scale which is ultimately based on the number of points possible.
Final evaluation for the course will be by means of a letter grade.
Letter grade of A = 342 points or more
Letter grade of B = 304-341.9 points
Letter grade of C = 266-303.9 points
Letter grade of D = 228-265.9 points
Letter grade of F = 227.9 points or less
(I do not grade on a curve).
Important: Any student who does not report for the final examination and who does not contact the instructor within 24 hours after the examination has been given will receive “F” for the final examination. The instructor has no obligation to give make-up examination to students who fail to contact the instructor within 24-hour period.
Counseling: Any student who needs help or clarification is urged to arrange for an appointment with the instructor immediately.
Attendance: Regular attendance is required. The instructor reserves the right to drop students for not attending the first class meeting and for excessive absences. It is the student’s responsibility to see that his/her name appears on the instructor’s course roster. While the attendance policy permits the instructor to drop students before the cut-off date, it is the student’s responsibility to drop the course if he or she not longer wishes to be enrolled in the course. Failure to do so after the cut-off date will result in students being held responsible for fees, grades, etc.
Adding/Dropping the Class: It is the student’s responsibility to officially drop a class whenever the student determines that he/she can no longer attend the class. Failure to to so may result in a failing grade.
Academic Accommodation Statement: If you have a disability and believe that you will need accommodations, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and the Disability Support Services as soon as possible. The DSS Office is located in the Cypress College Complex, 1st floor, (714) 484-7014 (voice) (714) 761-0961 (TDD).
Academic Honesty Policy: The college standards of academic honesty will be applied in this class. The policy may be found in the College Catalog, the official publication addressing and guiding academic and student services policies.
Students are expected to abide by ethical standards in preparing and presenting material which demonstrates their level of knowledge and which is used to determine grades. Such standards are founded on basic concepts of integrity and honesty.
These include, but are not limited to the following areas:
- Students shall not plagiarize, which is defined as stealing or passing off as one’s own ideas or words of another and as using a creative production without crediting the source. The following cases are examples of what constitutes plagiarism:
- Paraphrasing published material without acknowledging the source.
- Making significant use of an idea or a particular arrangement of ideas, e.g., outlines.
- Writing a paper without consulting with persons who provide suitable ideas and incorporating these ideas into the paper without acknowledging the debt.
2. Students shall not cheat, which is defined as using notes, aids, or the help of other students on tests or exams in ways other than those expressly permitted by the instructor; and as misreporting or altering the data in laboratory or research projects involving the collection of data.
3. Students shall not submit an original paper or project to more than one class without approval from the second instructor. Instructors who do not accept previously submitted papers should so inform the students in the course syllabus.
4. Students shall not furnish materials or information in order to enable another student to plagiarize or cheat.
Plagiarism Prevention and Detection: In its commitment to academic honesty, Cypress College uses Turnitin.com software to prevent and detect plagiarism.
The instructor reserves the right to submit student assignments to Turnitin.com to check for textual similarities between those assignments, Internet sources and the Turnitin.com assignment database. Students will be required to electronically submit their written work for plagiarism checking. Assignments submitted to Turnitin.com will become part of their database and will be used only for plagiarism prevention and detection.
- Assign an appropriate academic penalty such as an oral reprimand (as in cases where there is reasonable doubt that the student knew that the action violated the standards of honesty); or assign a “F” on all or part of a particular paper, project, or exam (for example where there was proof that it was a one-time occurrence). In cases where a “F” was assigned, report the incident to all appropriate personnel (See Step 3).
- In cases where the dishonesty was serious, premeditated, or part of on ongoing scheme, request and ad hoc review board made of at least three faculty members from the department or division of the instructor involved. This review board is to be appointed by the Academic Senate President or his/her delegate in consultation with the department coordinator, or if none is in place, with the members of the department. Supply to the review board the documents which are suspect and any other documents completed by the student which might help determine if academic dishonesty occurred. It would then be the responsibility of the review board to determine academic penalties as appropriate.
- Report to the student involved, to the department coordinator, to the Division Dean, and to the Dean of Counseling and Student Development, the alleged incident of academic dishonesty, including relevant documentation, and recommendations for action that he or she deems appropriate.
- The appropriate Division Dean shall maintain an academic dishonesty file of all cases of academic dishonesty with the appropriate documentation.
- Students shall be informed when their names are inserted into the file and provided with copies of any appeals or disciplinary procedures in which they may become involved. The appropriate Division Dean may initiate disciplinary proceedings under Education Code, Article 3, Section 76030-76037; when two or more incidents involving the same student occur, he/she shall do so.
- Students charged with violations, resulting in disciplinary action have the right to appeal the findings to the Petitions Committee under the Rules and Procedures of Due Process.
Student Support Services: All the student support services with the building numbers and the telephone numbers are mentioned in the class schedule under, “Quick Guide to Help You.”