Randa Wahbe, B.A., M.A., Ed.D.
Email: rwahbe@cypresscollege.edu
Phone: (714) 484-7171
Office Hours: Thursdays 10:50-11:20 a.m., 1:30-2:00 p.m., and happily by appointment.
Location: Humanities 202
About Professor Wahbe
I’ve been a full-time instructor at Cypress College since 2001 and have enjoyed every minute of it. Cypress is not only a beautiful campus, but the students, faculty, and staff are some of the best people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing.
In addition to serving as coordinator of the English Department, I teach English 100, 102, and 103 online, and English 60, 97, 100, and 247 on campus.
As a firm believer that community college is the gateway to 4-year colleges and universities, I aim to challenge students to reach heights they didn’t know were possible. One of my greatest joys is watching students grow as academics and individuals, uncovering their strengths as writers along the way.
My love of literature and the study of culture led to my dual major in English and cultural anthropology as an undergraduate. I sought a graduate degree in Comparative Literature that would combine my passion for the study of culture and my continued devotion to literature. After teaching for over eleven years, I returned to school for my doctorate and completed my dissertation on the relationship between ethnic identity and academic achievement, again reflecting my passion for culture and literature.
I’m an avid traveler and have spent time on every continent except Antarctica. After earning my BA, I spent one year backpacking around the world and continue to enjoy that mode of travel. In addition to traveling extensively throughout the United States and Canada, my backpack and I have visited Hawaii, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Italy, England, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Lebanon, Egypt, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala, Mexico, Belize, Ecuador, the Philippines, Indonesia, Borneo, Malaysia, Laos, Turkey, Syria, and Jordan.
There’s the education learned in school and the education gleaned from experience. I hope that my students will become devoted to both paths and explore not only the books on the shelves but the myriad knowledge that awaits them in distant, and not so distant, lands.
Recommended Course
Fast Track English 60 – English 100. Two courses – One semester – One set of books. Meet once a week on campus and the rest online. English 60 is offered the first 8 weeks. Pass the class and you’re guaranteed a seat in the 2nd 8 weeks of English 100! Same instructor, same group of students, same textbooks.