IPRC Bylaws

Instructional Program Review Committee Meetings Bylaws

Article 1 – Purpose of Bylaws

Section 1. The following Meetings Bylaws are designed to help implement the provisions of the Program Review Handbook and serve as a guide to help in running Instructional Program Review Committee (IPRC) meetings.

Section 2. No provision of these Bylaws may conflict with the Program Review Handbook, and in the event such a conflict exists, the Handbook has authority.

Article 2 – Committee Membership

Section 1. Committee Chair

A. The IPRC Chair shall fulfill the duties and responsibilities outlined the most current IPRC Chair Job Description.

B. The IPRC Chair shall set agendas for meetings and conduct them in accordance with the rules outlined in these Bylaws.

C. The IPRC Chair may not also hold the position of Division Representative. In the event a Division Representative becomes Chair, a replacement representative should be chosen by the division.

D. The Chair will appoint a member of the IPRC to sit as a liaison to the Student Services Program Review Committee.

E. Under the approval of the Academic Senate, the IPRC Chair duties and responsibilities may be split between a Chair and an Assistant Chair. The division of responsibilities is outlined in the current IPRC Chair Job Description. The Assistant Chair may simultaneously hold the position of Division Representative.

Section 2. Division Representatives

A. The Divisions referenced in the Bylaws include the following:

  1. Business/CIS
  2. Career Technical Education (CTE)
  3. Counseling
  4. Fine Arts
  5. Health Sciences
  6. Kinesiology
  7. Language Arts
  8. Library/LLRC