Massoud Saleh


Phone: (714) 484-7000 Ext: 48372

Office Hours: Tuesday 12–3:30 p.m.,Wednesday 12:30–1:30 p.m. & 5–5:30 p.m.

Location: Room 248

I am an engineer by profession who worked in private sector for many years. My bachelor’s degree is in Civil Engineering, master’s in Assistive Technology with focus on Accessibility, and I am currently working on my PHD in Engineering and Applied Mathematics with focus on Finite Element Analysis and Structural Topology Optimization.

I am a National Science Foundation Alumnus and ANSI standard committee member with experience in transportation of people with mobility impairment through public transportation. Among projects I have been working are:

  • Boeing Simulation lab (Cal state Long Beach)
  • Intelligent Stage, a smart environment helping the study of  automation and its effect on aging (Cal state Long Beach)
  • Hybrid aircraft seat and the process of crashworthiness certification through simulation (Cal state Long Beach-Claremont Graduate University)

I have been teaching in Cypress College, Moorpark College and California State University Long Beach. My Goal is to help you finding your passion in engineering and prepare you for a smooth transition to the engineering discipline of your choice.

ENGR 110 – Introduction to Engineering

ENGR 102 – Engineering Graphics

ENG 205 – Advanced Engineering CAD (Solidworks)

ENG 201 – Statistics

ENGR 210 – Electric Circuits and lab

ENGR 220 – Numerical Analysis with MATLAB