Find Classes
Go directly to the searchable class schedule or scroll down the page for instructions, definitions, and an FAQ.
Find Classes Guide
This page is intended to help you understand the various ways of searching the class schedule — and to guide you in successfully finding and enrolling in courses.
Because the searchable class schedule is the most-robust tool available, we’ll focus on how to utilize it to meet your needs in various situations.
Three pieces of advice are worth noting off the top:
- Preparing alternatives in advance of your registration time will make the process go smoother if your first-choice class isn’t available;
- If you want a class, do not miss the first meeting. This holds true if you are enrolled, waitlisted or petitioning; and
- Check your myGateway personal message channel on a regular basis. Important information will be shared there.
Using the Searchable Class Schedule

The searchable class schedule provides a number of options for finding courses, and also shares some valuable information about the individual courses.
To search for a class, select:
- The appropriate term
- The subject (or all)
- The location (i.e. Cypress College)
- The “open classes only” toggle
Setting “open classes only” to “yes” will return only a list of courses that are currently available for enrollment in myGateway. This is a great place to start. If your course is there, you can add the CRN in myGateway and you’re all set.
But, what if you can’t find a class you want?
Changing the “open classes only” toggle to “no” will result in a list of classes with a variety of capacity statuses. For instance, a waitlist may have space, the course may be restricted because of prerequisites or because it’s part of a learning community, or it may be full.

These statuses will help you understand more about the course, and the possibilities for enrolling. Clicking on the status will provide more information.
Also of value is the CRN, which is an active hyperlink. Clicking on this link provides detailed information about the individual course section — such as the number of people enrolled and the number of people on a waitlist. Taken together, this information may help you decide between two courses you’re considering petitioning in (see the definitions and FAQ below for more).

Using COUN 100 C, CRN 12338 for an example (see above), we learn that there are 5 available seats and a waitlist capacity of 5. The detailed information also lists the class-meeting time, location, instructor, starting date, and ending date. All very valuable.
Because of this extra information, viewing “closed” courses may actually be a more-viable method of finding classes with space available. This is especially true as the start of the semester approaches, and even more so on the first day (or first few days) of classes.
See the FAQ below for more information, including why you might not be able to add a class that appears to have space available.
Options For Viewing the Schedule
The searchable class schedule says that 6 seats are available, but it is listed as “closed” and when I try to add it, myGateway says I need to obtain an add authorization code from the instructor. Why?
There are two primary reasons for this: either the class has already begun; or, someone dropped and myGateway has offered the seat to someone on the waitlist and is waiting on a response. It’s also important to note, that courses close for registration at midnight on the day the class begins. So, a class that has it’s first meeting at 7 p.m. on a Monday, will be unavailable without an add code beginning at 12:00 that day. This is true regardless how many seats are “available” according to the computer.
In a situation where a course appears to have open seats, but is listed as “closed,” you will need to attend the first class meeting, or contact the instructor if you missed the first class meeting.
I emailed/called the instructor two weeks before classes began. Why didn’t I hear back?
Most faculty are completely overwhelmed by the volume of email requests for add codes made prior to the start of the semester. In the majority of cases, instructors do not provide add codes before the first in-person meeting. Because of these two facts, instructors may not be able to respond to email inquiries. You should plan on attending the first class meeting.
OK, but I really need to talk to someone because I desperately need this one class. Who can I go to?
It is best to visit or call the division office and talk to the staff or dean in these situations. The contact information is listed in the class schedule.
What is the difference between a “waitlist” and “petitioning”?
If a course is full, myGateway may offer to put you on a waitlist. The waitlist provides a prioritized listing of students who wish to enroll, but cannot because of limited capacity. If an enrolled student drops prior to the start of classes, myGateway sends an email (see note below about Yahoo! accounts) and a personal announcement to the first student on the waitlist. Petitioning is the process of attending a class in hopes of being able to enroll, even though it is full.
If I’m on a waitlist, will I automatically be added to the class if a seat becomes available?
No. The waitlist does not auto enroll students. If space opens up, an email and a myGateway personal message will be sent to you (see note about Yahoo! below). More information about the waitlist is available on Page 10 of the fall 2012 class schedule.
If the class is full and the waitlist is also full, should I bother to petition?
Frequently, a number of enrolled students and a number of students on a waitlist fail to attend the first class meeting. Available spots are then potentially open to students who are petitioning.
I never received an email telling me that I could enroll off the waitlist. Why?
If your email service is provided by Yahoo!, you may see a subject line and sender, but not receive message text. The college and the North Orange County Community College District have attempted to solve this issue. Yahoo! will not take action to properly deliver your email. We recommend two alternatives: switch to another email provider; and/or frequently monitor the “Personal Announcements” window in myGateway.
If your email service is not provided by Yahoo! you many want to check your spam filter. While you’re at it, please set your service to accept all mail from cypresscollege.edu and nocccd.edu.
If I am on a waitlist when the semester begins, what happens and what should I do?
The waitlist is provided to instructors in the order students were added. This is generally used to facilitate the petitioning process. If you’re on a waitlist when the semester begins, you should attend the first class meeting and ask for an add code.
What do I do with an add code if I receive one?
Use it immediately. Log in to myGateway, add the course by CRN. The system will respond by prompting you for the add code. Type it in and confirm your selection. Congratulations.
- Waitlist — An electronic list of students who would like to enroll in a closed class. Waitlisting does not guarantee enrollment into any class and not all classes have waitlists. See Page 10 of the fall 2012 class schedule for more information about waitlists.
- Petition — Seeking to enroll in a course which is full, or otherwise unavailable to be added in myGateway. To petition, be sure to attend the first class meeting.
- Closed Class — Generally a course is listed as “closed” because it it either full or it has already begun (this includes beginning later in the same day). A waitlist may be available and the course may also be available to students wishing to petition.
- Restricted Class — A “restricted” class may have seats available; however, registration requires the use of an add code. Interested students should contact the instructor.
- Open Class — A class with seats available. You may register for an open class via myGateway, provided you meet any prerequisites for the course, without any intervention.