Terms & Definitions
Add Authorization Code
An Add Authorization Code is a four digit code that may be issued to a student by an instructor to add a class on myGateway once the class has closed. The Add Code can only be used to add that closed class and must be used by the add deadline. Add Codes are only valid for that particular class.
When a course has an advisory, it means that a student is recommended to have certain preparation before entering the course. The preparation is considered advantageous to a student’s success in the course. Since the preparation is recommended, the student is advised (but not required) to meet the condition before or in conjunction with enrollment in the course or educational program.
EXAMPLE — Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 100 C is recommended for POSC 100 C.
ASSIST is a computerized student-transfer information system that can be accessed online. It displays reports of how course credits earned at one California college or university can be applied when transferred to another. ASSIST is the official repository of articulation for California’s public colleges and universities and provides the most accurate and up-to-date information available about student transfer in California. ASSIST is available at: www.assist.org.
Challenging Advisories, Corequisites, and/or Prerequisites
Refer to the Academic Policies Affecting Students in this Schedule of Classes.
Continuing Student
A continuing student is one who was enrolled in a course for fall 2007 and received a grade (A, B, C, D, F, I, IP, NP, P or W) at the end of the term.
Corequisite (Coreq)
When a course has a corequisite, it means that a student is required to take another course concurrent with (or prior to) enrollment in the course. Knowing the information presented in the corequisite course is considered necessary in order for a student to be successful in the course. It is the student’s obligation to know and meet course corequisites. These are stated in the course description section of the Schedule of Classes and the current College Catalog. Corequisites will be enforced at registration. The student may be required to show proof of meeting corequisites.
EXAMPLE — Coreq: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH 040 C is required for CHEM 107 C.
Course Reference Number (CRN)
The CRN is the unique five-digit code assigned to a course for a specific time and day for identifying and registering into that course.
Cultural Diversity (CUL DIV)
As one of the requirements for graduation, a student must complete at least one course that focuses specifically on multicultural issues. The purpose of the Cultural Diversity Graduation Requirement is to broaden and enhance the educational experience of the students at Cypress College. A CUL DIV designation under the course number and title indicates the course satisfies this graduation requirement.
An elective is a course not required for graduation or a particular program. For example, a science student might take electives from non-science areas which may include history, art, English, or political science. To assist in choosing electives, a student should consult a college counselor.
Refer to the Fee Calculation Worksheet in the Schedule of Classes. If there are any additional mandatory fees for a class, they are listed under the course description in the Schedule of Classes.
If a grading option is not listed, the class is available for a STANDARD LETTER GRADE only. If only PASS/NO PASS is listed, the class is available for credit/no credit grading only. If PASS/NO PASS/LETTER GRADE OPTION is listed you have the option of taking the class for a standard letter grade or for credit/no credit. You must choose the option you wish, complete the necessary paperwork and submit it to the Admissions and Records Office no later than the sixth week of full semester classes. Please contact the Admissions and Records Office regarding the deadlines for summer, late start, short-term and open-entry classes.
Matriculation is a set of services provided to all students as a means of ensuring their academic success, including Admission, Assessment, Orientation, and Counseling. It is legally defined as an agreement between the college and its students. This legislation ensures that every community college student will be afforded the same opportunity for services and to achieve academic success. The college goal is to make the institution a place of easy access and success for students to achieve their educational goals and economic gain. Students may be exempt from the Matriculation services if they are a graduate from an accredited U.S. college or university with an Associate in Arts degree or higher, or matriculated at another college.
New Student
A new student is one who has never attended Cypress or Fullerton College.
When a course has a prerequisite, it means that a student must have certain knowledge to be successful in the course. The prior knowledge may be a skill (types 35wpm), an ability (speaks and writes Spanish fluently), a test score or a successful completion of a prior course (must have completed ENGL 060 C with a grade of “C” or better). Completion of the prerequisite is required prior to enrolling in the course, and D, F or NC grades are not acceptable. It is the student’s obligation to know and meet course prerequisites. These are stated in the course descriptions section of the Schedule of Classes and the current College Catalog. Prerequisites will be checked at registration. The student may be required to file proof of meeting prerequisites.
Returning (Former) Student
A returning student is one who formerly attended Cypress or Fullerton College and is returning after being absent one or more terms (not including the summer session).
Course work at Cypress College is measured in terms of semester units. A course requires a minimum of three hours of student work per week, per unit. This includes class time and/or demonstrated competency for each unit of credit, prorated for short term, laboratory and activity courses.