Call for Submissions! Sole Image: a Creative Arts Journal
The English Department’s creative arts journal, “Sole Image,” is now accepting submissions in prose, poetry, visual arts, music, and more from any current Cypress College student. The submission window is open until midnight, January 14; work accepted for the journal will be published in late spring 2024.
Here are some guidelines for each genre:
Prose can include fiction, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, and other prose. Word count should be less than 3,000 words. Up to two pieces can be submitted for this genre. (Please submit as a .doc file.)
Poetry can include freestyle, sonnets, elegies, etc. Up to three pieces can be submitted for this genre; please format and submit as a single document. Total word count submission for poetry should be less than 3,000 words. (Please submit as a .doc file.)
Music can include music videos, audio recordings, song lyrics, etc. Up to one piece can be submitted for this genre.
Visual Arts can include photography, art pieces, videos, dance/theatre, animation, etc. Up to three static pieces can be submitted for this genre (images of paintings and ceramics for example); up to one motion piece can be submitted for this genre.
All pieces are expected to be at the final stages of editing and completed by time of submission. Click here for more information and for the form to submit work.