Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air.
– Henry Anatole Grunwald
Our students work globally in all media from anywhere at any time. We are an international, web-first, innovative journalism program using the latest web tools and software.
Our students have a decade working in convergence journalism and now our graduates work with corporate media who are creating new journalism models.
You will work with words, photos, video, and audio to create The Cypress Chronicle, the online news experience and home to:
- breaking stories and photos
- C-Scope Video Magazine
- Cypress College Radio, a 24/7/365 live and streaming webcast
- Divergence Magazine

What You’ll Study
- Reporting and Writing
- Global Media
- Messages for Electronic Media
- Visual Communication
- Public Relations
- Student Media Practicum
- Visualjournalism
- Broadcast Production
- Video for Photographers
Visit our catalog for more information about the degrees and certificates, courses, and program learning outcomes for students majoring in Journalism/Communications.
Careers & Salary
- Broadcast News Analyst
- Editor
- Reporter
- Correspondent
- Writer
- Author
- Low: $24k
- Average: $60k
- High: $192k
- Michael Coronado
Adjunct Faculty
- Sam Gangwer
- Jennifer Peters
- Jeffrey Rowe
Journalism/Communications Department
Location: Fine Arts Building
T: (714) 484-7133
Department Chair: Michael Coronado, mcoronado@cypresscollege.edu