Visual and Performing Arts (formerly Fine Arts)
Dean: Dr. Kellori Dower
Administrative Assistants:
- Teresa Chevalier
E: tchevalier@cypresscollege.edu
T: (714) 484-7144 - Lynette Young
E: lyoung@cypresscollege.edu
T: (714) 484-7201 - Nadia Wallace
E: nwallace@cypresscollege.edu
T: (714) 484-7134 - Diane Villegas
E: dvillegas@cypresscollege.edu
T: (714) 484-7140
Phone: (714) 484-7139
Location: Fine Arts Swing Space Building, Second Floor
Programs (listed with department coordinators):
- Art — Donivan Howard
- Communications/Journalism — Michael Coronado
- Dance — Maha Afra
- Media Arts Design — Katalin Angelov
- Music — Gary Gopar
- Photography — Tony Maher
- Theatre — Donny Jackson
- Renay Laguana-Ferinac
E: rlaguana.ferinac@cypresscollege.edu
T: (714) 484-7129
- Leslie Palmer
E: lpalmer@cypresscollege.edu
T: (714) 484-7000 ext. 48360