UC IGETC Language Other Than English Proficiency Certification (LOTE)
The purpose of this UC IGETC certification of “Language Other Than English” (LOTE) is to assist students, who have an acquired knowledge of a language other than English, in demonstrating language proficiency as outlined in the IGETC Standards Area 10.6.
When students are ready to apply for UC IGETC Certification, they will need to meet with one of the designated faculty (listed on page 2 by language) to be assessed. The faculty will then process the IGETC certification form via dynamic forms (found in myGateway under faculty) in order to get processed by Admissions and Records.
Faculty Member: As a college faculty member who is fluent in the student’s native language, you are requested to voluntarily assess the basic language proficiency of this student.
Method of Evaluation:
1. Foreign Transcript: Satisfactory completion, with “C” (2.0) grades or better, of two years of formal schooling at the sixth-grade level or higher in an institution where the language of instruction is not English. Appropriate documentation must be presented to substantiate that the required coursework was completed. If an official sealed transcript cannot be obtained from a foreign institution, an unofficial or opened transcript may be used to verify proficiency.
2. Proficiency Test: Equivalent to two (2) years of foreign language as taught in United States high schools.
Specifically, the student should have:
a. Basic vocabulary of approximately 1,000 words;
b. Basic ability to read, write and speak using the present, past (preterit) and future tenses.
It is suggested that the instructor give the student written material for the language being evaluated. The material could be a magazine article, or newspaper or the other written material. The instructor should ask the student to answer questions in writing that pertain to the written material. The instructor should also ask the student to answer questions verbally. The student needs to demonstrate basic use of present, past (preterit) and future tenses.
UC IGETC Language Other Than English (LOTE) Faculty List
Name | Department/Division | Language | |
Adel Rajab | Biology/SEM | Arabic | arajab@cypresscollege.edu |
Chiang Horng Harn | Foreign Language/Language Arts | Chinese | charn@cypresscollege.edu |
Silvie Grote | Pub Health/Kinesiology | Czech | sgrote@cypresscollege.edu |
Billy Pashaie | Library | Dari | wpashaie@cypresscollege.edu |
Billy Pashaie | Library | Farsi | wpashaie@cypresscollege.edu |
Massoud Saleh | Engineering/SEM | Farsi | msaleh@cypresscollege.edu |
John Lambros | Comm. Studies/Language Arts | Greek | jlambros@cypresscollege.edu |
Sujata Chiplunkar | Biology/SEM | Gujarati | schiplunkar@cypresscollege.edu |
Sujata Chiplunkar | Biology/SEM | Hindi | schiplunkar@cypresscollege.edu |
Kati Angelov | MAD/Fine Arts | Hungarian | kanguelov@cypresscollege.onm |
Natsuyo Higuchi | Foreign Language/Language Arts | Japanese | nhiguchi@cypresscollege.edu |
Eunju Lee | Math/SEM | Korean | elee@cypresscollege.edu |
Maha Afra | Dance/Fine Arts | Lebanese | mafra@cypresscollege.edu |
Sujata Chiplunkar | Biology/SEM | Marath | schiplunkar@cypresscollege.edu |
Bradley Hampton | Music/VAPA | Portuguese | bhampton@cypresscollege.edu |
Julia Cherney | Dental Hygiene/Health Science | Russian | jcherney@cypresscollege.edu |
Silvie Grote | Pub Health/Kinesiology | Slovak | sgrote@cypresscollege.edu |
Juan Garcia | Vets Counselor/Student Services | Spanish | jgarcia@cypresscollege.edu |
Billy Pashaie | Library | Spanish | wpashaie@cypresscollege.edu |
Denise Vo | Counseling/Health Science | Vietnamese | dvo@cypresscollege.edu |
Kelly Nguyen | Math/SEM | Vietnamese | kellynguyen@cypresscollege.edu |