Elizabeth Putman, R.N., B.S.N., M.S.N.
Email: eputman@cypresscollege.edu
Phone: (714) 484-7283
Office Hours: Monday 1-3 p.m., Wednesday 7-9 a.m., Tuesday 12-1 p.m. or by appointment
Location: Health Science Bldg: Clinical facility
About Professor Putman
Welcome to Nursing!
Nursing is an amazing profession. Nursing requires both passion and compassion. Presently, I teach both medical-surgical nursing and maternal nursing.
Recommended Course
HS 168 C Patient Care Skills Open Lab
This is an awesome class to practice skills learned in your regular classes. The lab is staffed with Registered Nurses who are there to assist you in your learning needs! Students who are enrolled in this class have higher passing rates.