Michael Beard, A.S.
Email: mbeard@cypresscollege.edu
Phone: (714) 484-7231
Office Hours: 12:30-4 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday or by appointment
Location: Technical Education 1
About Professor Beard
Thank you for visiting my web page. As a graduate of the Cypress College Automotive Program it is my pleasure to return to the place that gave me my start in the automotive industry some 20 years ago. Working as an Automotive Technician, Shop Foreman, and Service Manager.
Recommended Course
AT 160 C Basic Automotive Electrical
With the complexity of modern automotive systems a thorough understanding of basic electrical is essential to be a successful automotive technician. The AT 160 class will take you from basic electrical concepts, batteries, charging, and starting systems through body electrical diagnosis and an introduction to computer control systems. This will benefit you greatly with your other automotive classes as well if taken during one of your first semesters.