Distance Education Committee
Chair: Treisa Cassens
Chair Contact: tcassens@cypresscollege.edu
Chair: Samantha Simmons
Chair Contact: ssimmons@cypresscollege.edu
Meeting Dates: First Thursday of every month
Meeting Time: 3 – 4:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: LRC-110
The Distance Education Committee is chaired by the Distance Education Dean and the Distance Education Faculty Coordinator and includes faculty members, deans, administrators, classified staff, and students interested in improving the coordination and effectiveness of distance education at Cypress College.
The committee is responsible for making recommendations that define the Distance Education program. All campus community members are welcome, especially faculty members, whether they teach a Distance Education course or not.
Reporting Relationships
The Distance Education Committee is a liaison to the Academic Senate. The committee makes regular reports to the Academic Senate, and Planning and Budget Committee as needed, regarding DE matters as per the Bylaws.
The DE Committee has two workgroups: A POCR (Peer Online Course Review) Team and a ZTC (Zero Textbook Costs) workgroup.
Upon the direction of the Distance Education Committee, the DEC faculty co-chairs shall forward all specific recommendations and concerns to the President of the Academic Senate. The Distance Education Committee may, at its discretion, draft resolutions supporting specific work or recommendations of the committee.
Membership Composition
The Distance Education Committee Chair duties and responsibilities will be shared between the Faculty Distance Education Coordinator and the Dean of Distance Education.
- Co-Chair, Faculty DE Coordinator
- Co-Chair, Dean of Distance Education
Each Division is responsible for selecting one faculty representative to sit on the Distance Education Committee. The Divisions and representatives referenced in the Bylaws include the following:
- Business/CIS
- Career Technical Education (CTE)
- Counseling
- Visual and Performing Arts
- Health Sciences
- Kinesiology
- Language Arts
- Library/LLRC
- Science, Engineering, and Math
- Social Sciences
The Distance Education Support Team members will sit as committee members.
- The Distance Education Director
- Distance Education Learning Assistant
- Distance Education Instructional Designer Resource Members will sit as committee members.
- A Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion representative
- A Disability Support Services representative
- A CSEA Classified Staff representative
- As needed, additional liaisons may be added by consensus vote of the committee
Current Membership
The Distance Education Committee Chair duties and responsibilities will be shared between the Faculty Distance Education Coordinator and the Dean of Distance Education.
- Co-Chair, Treisa Cassens, Dean of Distance Education
- Co-Chair, Samantha Simmons, Faculty DE Coordinator Each Division is responsible for selecting one faculty representative to sit on the Distance Education Committee. The Divisions and representatives referenced in the Bylaws include the following:
- Business/CIS – Ann Sheridan-Solis
- Career Technical Education (CTE) – Amanda Gargano
- Counseling – Sarah Coburn & Marisa Lehmeier
- Visual and Performing Arts – Michael Coronado
- Health Sciences – Nancy Corales & Jennie Larez
- Kinesiology – Mark Canner
- Language Arts – Kendyl Covey
- Library/LLRC – Annette Young
- Science, Engineering, and Math – Kirk Domke & Garret Hill
- Social Sciences – Vincent Romo The Distance Education Support Team
- Distance Education Director – Elli Constantin
- Distance Education Learning Assistant – Nando Yiv
- Distance Education Instructional Designer – Michael Ashton
- Resource Members:
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Angela de Dios
- Disability Support Services – Steve Auger & Deborah Michelle
- CSEA Classified Staff – Ayman Gadalla & Michael Ashton
Terms of Membership
Division Representatives serve two-year terms. The committee should make every effort to stagger the terms of members to ensure a balance of new and continuing representatives.
To request copies of archived agendas and minutes, please contact the committee chair.