Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Antiracism, and Accessibility (DEIAA) Committee
Chair: Scott Thayer
Chair Contact: sthayer@cypresscollege.edu
Chair: Paul de Dios
Chair Contact: pdedios@cypresscollege.edu
Meeting Dates: 2nd Wednesday of every month
Meeting Time: 3–4:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: CCCPLX-419 & Zoom
A.S. Representative: Vacant
The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Antiracism and Accessibility Committee (DEIAA) serves as the principal advisor to the President of the College on issues of DEIAA. The purpose is to support and advance the institutional Core Values
of Inclusiveness and Equity. To fulfill its mission, the DEIAA Committee will:
A. Engage faculty, staff, and students to support and promote DEIAA goals across the College and District
- Promote understanding and appreciation throughout the College for all aspects of DEIAA
- Serve as the principal liaison to the District Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee.
- Sponsor activities and events at the College that celebrate diversity and bring about staff and student awareness.
- Support, coordinate, or implement programs, seminars and workshops district-wide that explore DEIAA issues for faculty, staff, and students
- Continue to support and encourage the recognition of issues of DEIAA as key components of our educational programs
- Participate and collaborate with the District Diversity Committee in promoting its mission
- Support and advocate for an environment that facilitates recruitment and retention of diverse faculty, staff, and management
- Promote the communication and awareness of issues of
- DEIAA at the College and throughout the District
- Recognize outstanding efforts at the College in support of DEIAA activities
B. Serve as a College committee to collaborate and make recommendations to the Student Equity and Achievement Committee (SEA) and District Diversity Committee on issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, antiracism and accessibility in a proactive and constructive manner
- Create awareness of current DEIAA issues on campus
- Create and update the College’s diversity, equity, inclusion antiracism and accessibility strategies to ensure campus and District resource and planning alignment on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Provide a forum for discussion of issues of diversity and equity, including issues identified in various College reports, including the Student Equity Plan, IRP data, campus climate surveys, and student satisfaction surveys and participate in the development of action plans in response.
- Ensure integration and collaboration with District on initiatives focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion
Reporting Relationships
The DEIAA Committee is an autonomous committee but makes recommendations and collaborates with the campus SEA Committee and the District Diversity Committee.
Membership Composition
- College President: co-chair
- Director of Student Equity and Success: co-chair
- Recording Secretary (Non-voting)
- Six Faculty (6): Appointed by the Academic Senate
- Classified (2): Two appointed by CSEA
- Students (3): Appointed by Associated Students, to include an AS Officer or Senator
- Management (3): DSS Coordinator, Presidential appointee, DMA appointee
- NOCE Representative (1): Selected by the President of NOCE or designee
- Senate IDEAA Liaison (1) (non-voting member)
- Professional Development Representative (non-voting member)
*Recognizing the intersectionality of our members, all attempts will be made to appoint representatives from our campus affinity groups, ensuring all perspectives are respectfully represented
Current Membership
- College President: co-chair – Scott Thayer
- Director of Student Equity and Success, co-chair – Paul de Dios
- Recording Secretary (Non-voting) – Dani Morgan
- Faculty (6) Maha Afra, Jenelle Herman, Daniel Pueblos, Jennifer Page, Therese Mosqueda-Ponce, Virgil Adams
- Classified (2): Lynette Young, Daniel Fangmeyer
- Students (3): Arjun Ayyappan, Alexa Delgado, Sydney Phethean
- Management (3): Celeste Phelps, Kellori Dower, Yanet Garcia
- NOCE Representative (1): Adam Gottdank
- Senate IDEAA Representative (non-voting member) – Michael Brydges Professional Development representative (non-voting member)
Terms of Membership
All appointees will serve staggered three-year terms unless representing a specific position, and all appointees may be reappointed to additional three-year terms.
The Cypress College Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is a shared governance committee chaired by the president of the college to fulfill our mission.
Mission Statement
Cypress College enriches students’ lives by providing high quality education for transfer to four-year institutions, associate degrees, career technical education, and certificate coursework, as well as basic skills and opportunities for lifelong learning. The college is committed to promoting student learning and success, embracing diversity, and contributing to both the economic and social development of the surrounding community.
Monthly Focus
September | Hispanic Heritage Month |
October | Disabilities Awareness Month National Diversity Awareness Month |
November | Native American Heritage Month International Education Week |
December | AIDS Awareness Kwanzaa Awareness |
January | Japanese and Chinese New Year Vietnamese Tet |
February | Black History Month |
March | Women’s Recognition Month |
April | Sexual Assault Awareness Month |
May | Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month Religious Diversity Awareness |
June | Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Awareness Month |
Campus Resources
- Legacy Program, promotes academic success and transfer through collaborative activities drawn from the Black Experience.
- Puente Program, gives you the skills and information you need to succeed, while also exploring the rich Latino culture.
- GLBT (gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender) students
- Disability Support Services
- International Students Program
- Students from Diverse Religions
- Veterans Resource Center
District Resources
Equity Alliance Resources
Click on the links below for resources on previous Equity Alliance E-convenings.
Engaging in Productive Conversations About Race
Presenter: Shaun R. Harper, Ph.D.
Fostering and Sustaining Inclusive Classrooms for Students of Color
Presenter: Shaun R. Harper, Ph.D.
Understanding and Addressing Implicit Bias
Presenter: Julie R. Posselt, Ph.D.
Understanding and Confronting Anti-Black Racism
Presenter: Frank Harris III, Ed.D.
Meaningfully Integrating Race Across the Curriculum
Presenter: Shaun R. Harper, Ph.D.
Recruiting and Hiring Faculty of Color
Presenter: Shaun R. Harper, Ph.D.
NOCCCD Land & Labor Acknowledgement: A Call to Action
Cypress College is located on the unceded ancestral lands shared by the Gabrielino-Tongva Nation and the Juaneño Band of Mission Indians/Acjachemen Nation, who have been the traditional caretakers since time immemorial. Tongva and Acjachemen peoples maintain a strong presence in North Orange County and throughout Southern California, protecting their homelands, knowledge systems, and cultures for the next seven generations. We acknowledge the ingenuity, survival, resilience, and strength of their descendants and relatives––past, present, and emerging. We also acknowledge the labor of those who work on and care for these lands, both in the past and today, and all those who act in solidarity with Indigenous struggles.
This land acknowledgement was developed by the Native America Faculty and Staff Alliance and the Fullerton College Ethnic Studies Department and we honor their work on our behalf.
To request copies of archived agendas and minutes, please contact the committee chair.