Technology Committee
Chair: José Sanchez
Chair Contact: jsanchez@cypresscollege.edu / (714) 484-7108
Meeting Dates: 2nd Wednesday of every month
Meeting Time: 3 – 4 p.m.
Meeting Location: Microsoft Teams or Zoom
A.S. Representative: Fuaad Amin
The purpose of Cypress College Campus Technology Committee (CTC) is to create a forum where all campus constituencies can participate in discussions related to planning and coordination of technology needs for the college. Participation ensures more effective integration and outcomes for all technology initiatives impacting teaching, learning, and administrative activities of the campus. It also ensures all constituencies are aware how technology initiatives align with Cypress College planning documents including, but not limited to, the Educational Master Plan, the Strategic Plan, the Student Services Master Plan, the Distance Education Plan, and the Campus Technology Plan.
The committee also provides a forum to discuss and better understand how District technology initiatives intersect with campus initiatives, providing a holistic understanding and coordinated vision to extract maximum value from all technology initiatives across the campus and District.
Reporting Relationships
- The CTC is a campus committee chaired by the Director, Academic Computing Technologies.
- The CTC does not report to the District Technology Committee (DTC), but conversations and recommendations from the CTC are advanced to/from the DTC as appropriate.
Membership Composition
Voting Members
- Director, Academic Computing Technologies (Chair)
- Cypress College Manager
- President’s Appointee
- One member of the Distance Education support staff
- Two Academic Senate Representatives
- Senate Representative
- One serves as the Senate liaison.
- One United Faculty Representative
- One CSEA Representative
- Also serves as CSEA liaison
- One Associated Students Representative
Current Membership
- Chair – José Sanchez (Director, Academic Computing Technologies)
- Cypress Manager – Vacant
- President’s Appointee – Marc Posner (Director, Campus Communications)
- Academic Senate Representative 1 – Vacant
- Academic Senate Representative 2 – Jenny Larez
- United Faculty Representative – Vacant
- CSEA Representative – Vacant
- One Associated Student Representative – Fuaad Amin
Terms of Membership
- The Director, Academic Computing Technologies serves as chair with no term limit.
- Appointments are staggered to ensure continuity of committee history and knowledge.
- Voting positions serve three-year terms.
- Non-Faculty voting members hold non-termed positions.
The CTC serves to:
- Coordinate the technology needs of the campus with the goals of Cypress College planning documents including, but not limited to, the Educational Master Plan, the Strategic Plan, the Student Services Master Plan, the Distance Education Plan, and the Campus Technology Plan
- Coordinate a shared vision of the utilization of technology to facilitate learning
- Gather information, needs, and concerns from special interest groups
- Promote effective and efficient use of technology
- Develop technological partnerships among campus programs and departments
- Seek to avoid unnecessary duplications to technology
- Recommend procedures and guidelines for the use of campus technology
- Recommend priorities for the use of technological resources (funding, staff, hardware, software, etc.) submitted to PBC and PAC
To request copies of archived agendas and minutes, please contact the committee chair.