Tips For Student Success in Web-Based Courses
Adapted from Tech Ed Online
Familiarize yourself with the course requirements
Spend time looking over the course syllabus and other important course materials. Make sure you understand the course objectives, the scope of the material you will cover, and when assignments are due.
Create a study schedule and stick to it
You are the director of your own learning experience. Try to set aside a study time each day when your mind is fresh and you will not be interrupted. As an online learner you don’t have to attend traditional classes, but you do have to do work on a regular schedule to succeed.
Identify your motivators
What makes you complete a task? What are the rewards you expect to achieve? Whatever it takes, you need to identify the strategies that will keep you on track until you achieve your goals. Although your instructor will be there to help you every step of the way, your success is really up to you.
Establish good study skills
Take notes. Ask yourself questions. Go over the material more than once. Best of all, pretend that you will have to teach someone else to apply the concepts and skills you are learning. Master what you would need to know to accomplish that goal.
Remember that study includes many different tasks. When instructors talk about the need to study, they mean you should read review material, complete all homework, and review class notes, text assignments and supplementary material on a regular schedule.
Ask for help when you need it
Your instructor is there to help you, but since you are the director of your learning experience, you will need to initiate the contact.