Computer Science
Computers themselves, and software yet to be developed, will revolutionize the way we learn.
– Steve Jobs
We offer courses in C++ programming. Other programming languages included within the CIS Department are Python, Advanced Python (including Data Structures), Java, Advanced Java (Including Data Structures).

What You’ll Study
- Programming Concepts in C++
- Data Structures in C++
- Computer Architecture and Organization
- Discrete Structures
Visit our catalog for more information about the program and courses for students majoring in Computer Science.
Careers & Salary
- Computer Science Teacher / Professor
- Computer Scientist
Low: $39k
Average: Varies
High: $122k
What Students Say
“I am aiming to get my master’s in computer science and possibly even teach programming…. I also want to say thank you to all my previous professors for helping me become the person I am today. They have all been wonderful and helpful in every way.”
Mihir Patel
- Bret Clarke
- Jonathan Johannsen
- Dr. Penn Wu
Adjunct Faculty
- Michael Gould
- Amir Khan (Python)
- Rory Mulcahey (C#)
Computer Science Department
Location: Business Building, Room 206
T: (714) 484-7000, Option 5, ext. 48688
Department Chair: Peter Molnar, pmolnar@cypresscollege.edu