Adult Reentry Program
Are you . . .
- thinking about entering college but just don’t know where, when or how to begin?
- returning to college after an absence?
- uncertain of your career plans?
- needing help with your academic success?
- an adult learner involved with a variety of life transitions?
- changing your career?
- looking for a supportive environment to help you attain your goals?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then the Cypress College Adult Reentry Program is here for you!
The Adult Reentry Program recognizes that learning is a lifelong process and is dedicated to meeting the needs of non-traditional students.
Adults returning to college often face a variety of challenges:
- Dealing with budget constraints, child care/elder care, housing, etc.
- Changes in workforce expectations
- Balancing school, family, and work
- Adapting to a new environments and unfamiliar technology
- Isolation and insecurity due to age differences with younger students