Meet the Counselors
Counseling and Student Development
Dr. Troy Davis |
Dean of Counseling and Student Development |
Robert Grantham & Jacky Rangel |
Counseling Department Coordinators |
Lela Beck |
Administrative Assistant III |
Athletic/Kinesiology Counselor
LaRon Armstead |
larmstead@cypresscollege.edu |
T: (714) 484-7276 |
L: Gym II, 1st Floor, Room 118 |
Majors: Athletes | Physical Education/Kinesiology | Recreation |
Business/Computer Information Systems Counselor
Robert Grantham |
rgrantham@cypresscollege.edu |
T: (714) 484-7084 |
L: Business Education Building, 2nd Floor |
Majors: Business Administration Transfer | Accounting | Court Reporting | Captioning | Text Entry | Computer Editor | Computer Information Systems | Computer Programming | Computer Application | Management | Marketing | Merchandising | Networking | Administrative Assistant – Secretarial – Administrative Support | Secretarial – Legal | Secretarial – Office Assistant | Word Processing |
Career Technical Education Counselors
Dr. Jeannie Mitsch |
jmitsch@cypresscollege.edu |
T: (714) 484-7000 |
L: Technical Education I Building, 2nd Floor, Room 206 |
Cassie Rodriguez |
crodriguez@cypresscollege.edu |
T: (714) 808-4639 |
L: Technical Education I Building, 2nd Floor, Room 206 |
Majors: Air Conditioning and Refrigeration | Airline and Travel Careers | Automotive Collision Repair | Automotive Technology | Aviation – Commercial Pilot | Aviation – Management | Hotel | Restaurant | Culinary Arts | Criminal Justice | Industrial Technology | T-TEN (Toyota Technical Education Network) |
Health Science Counselors
Kelly Carter |
kcarter@cypresscollege.edu |
Denise Vo |
dvo@cypresscollege.edu |
Marisa Lehmeier |
mlehmeier@cypresscollege.edu |
T: (714) 484-7270 |
L: Health Science Building, 2nd floor |
Majors: Registered Dental Assisting | Dental Hygiene | Health Information Technology | Health Information Coding Specialist | Health Unit Coordinator | Medical Insurance Billing Specialist | Mortuary Science | Registered Nursing | Career Mobility Nursing | Psychiatric Technician | Radiological Technology | Ultrasound/Medical Sonography | Radiology Assistant/Darkroom Technician Program |
Humanities/Language Arts/Social Science Counselors
Mymy Lam, Teacher Preparation Program Counselor |
mlam@cypresscollege.edu |
Daniel Pelletier |
dpelletier@cypresscollege.edu |
T: (714) 484-7015 |
L: Humanities Building, 2nd Floor |
Majors: English | ESL (English for Non-Native Speakers) | Foreign Language | Reading | Speech | Anthropology | Asian Studies | Drugs and Alcohol | Economics | Ethnic Studies | Family Studies – Basic & Advance | Geographic Information Systems | Geography | History | Human Services Generalist | Latin American Studies | Liberal Studies | Philosophy | Political Science | Psychology | Sociology | Teacher Prep Program |
Science, Engineering, and Math Counselor
LaRon Armstead |
larmstead@cypresscollege.edu |
Ernesto Heredia |
eheredia@cypresscollege.edu |
T: (714) 484-7015 |
L: Science/Engineering/Math Building, 2nd Floor |
Majors: Biological Sciences/Life Sciences | Biology | Chemistry | Computer Science | Physical Science | Engineering – Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical | Engineering Technology | Forestry | Geology | Industrial Technology | Mathematics | Physics | Pre-Dentistry | Pre-Medicine | Pre-Optometry | Pre-Pharmacy | Pre-Physical Therapy | Pre-Physicians Assistant | Pre-Veterinary |
Visual and Performing Arts (formerly Fine Arts) Counselors
Renay Laguana-Ferinac |
rlaguana.ferinac@cypresscollege.edu |
T: (714) 484-7129 |
L: Fine Arts Building, 2nd Floor |
Majors: Art | Dance | Multimedia | Music | Photography | Theatre Arts | Journalism/Communication | Media Arts Design |
Counseling Services
Adult Reentry Program |
Career Planning Center |
careercenter@cypresscollege.edu |
L: CCCPLX, 2nd Floor, Room 215 |
T: (714) 484-7120 |
Articulation |
Jacquelyn Rangel, Articulation Officer |
jrangel@cypresscollege.edu |
L: Student Center, 2nd Floor, Office 227 |
T: (714) 484-7025 |
CalWORKs Counseling |
calworks@cypresscollege.edu |
L: Cypress College Complex, 2nd Floor, Room 209 |
T: (714) 484-7237 |
Disability Support Services (DSS) |
Deborah Michelle, Counselor |
dmichelle@cypresscollege.edu |
Dr. Dawn Decker, LD Specialist |
ddecker@cypresscollege.edu |
L: Cypress College Complex, 1st Floor, Room 105 |
T: (714) 484-7104 |
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) |
Alan Reza, Counselor |
areza@cypresscollege.edu |
Eva Palomares, Counselor |
epalomares@cypresscollege.edu |
L: Cypress College Complex, 2nd Floor, Room 208 |
T: (714) 484-7368 |
Honors Program Counseling |
Penny Gabourie, Director |
pgabourie@cypresscollege.edu |
L: Student Center, 2nd Floor |
T: (714) 484-7129 |
International Students Program |
Yongmi Han, Manager |
yhan@cypresscollege.edu |
L: Student Activities, Building 8 |
T: (714) 484-7050 |
Legacy Program |
Shawnnie White |
swhite@cypresscollege.edu |
L: Humanities Building, 2nd Floor, Room 208B |
T: (714) 484-7015 |
Transfer Center |
Penny Gabourie, Director |
pgabourie@cypresscollege.edu |
Yolanda Duenas, Transfer Counselor |
yduenas@cypresscollege.edu |
Video chat on Cranium Cafe with Yolanda Duenas |
L: Student Center, 2nd Floor |
T: (714) 484-7130 |
Veteran’s Affairs |
Dr. Juan Garcia, Counselor/Coordinator |
jgarcia@cypresscollege.edu |
L: Cypress College Complex, 2nd Floor, Room 215 |
T: (714) 484-7150 |