Accreditation and Institutional Effectiveness Committee
Co-Chair: Jill Bauer
Co-Chair Contact:
Co-Chair: Bryan Ventura
Co-Chair Contact:
Meeting Dates: 3rd Wednesday of the month
Meeting Time: 3–4:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: CCCPLX-414 & Zoom
The AIEC guides all matters of accreditation; campus services program review; integrated and strategic planning; outcomes assessment; and governance and decision-making structures, for the College’s ongoing improvement.
Reporting Relationships
The AIEC is a Shared Governance Committee. The Committee makes regular reports to the Academic Senate, Classified Senate, Planning and Budget Committee (PBC), and President’s Advisory Council (PAC).
Membership Composition
- Co-Chair, Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO)
- Co-Chair, Accreditation Faculty Chair
- Past Accreditation Faculty Chair
- Academic Senate Representative
- Classified Senate Representative
- Classified Professional Representative
- Associated Students Representative
- Administrative Unit Outcomes Lead
- Instructional Program Review Institutional Research & Planning Representative
- Student Services Program Review Institutional Research & Planning Representative
These positions are resource members except from the beginning of the self-evaluation process through the Commission’s action:
- College President
- Vice President of Administrative Services Vice President of Instruction
- Vice President Student Services Academic Senate President
- Academic Senate President Elect/Past President Standard I Representative
- Standard II Representative Standard III Representative Standard IV Representative
Current Membership
Bryan Ventura | Accreditation Liaison Officer |
Jill Bauer | Accreditation Faculty Chair |
Liana Koeppel | Former Accreditation Faculty Chair |
Scott Thayer | President |
Kathleen McAlister | Academic Senate President |
Jaclyn Magginetti | Academic Senate President Elect |
Kathleen Reiland | VP of Instruction |
Paul de Dios | VP of Student Services |
Vacant | VP of Administrative Services |
Jonathan Nguyen | Student Representative |
Alec Gibson | Student Representative |
Belinda Allan | Classified Representative |
Kristi Valdez | Confidential Representative |
Annette Letcher | Standard I Representative |
Celeste Phelps | Standard II Representative |
Jose Sanchez | Standard III Representative |
Damon de la Cruz | Standard IV Representative |
Accreditation Standard Leads
Accreditation Sub-Standards | Faculty Co-Lead | Co-Lead |
I.A. Mission | Annette Letcher, Language Arts | Kristina Oganesian, Senior Research and Planning Analyst |
I.B. Assuring Academic Quality & Institutional Effectiveness | Taylor Anderson-McGill, Science, Engineering & Math | Eileen Haddad, Senior Research and Planning Analyst |
I.C. Institutional Integrity | Craig Goralski, Social Science | Marc Posner, Director, Campus Communications |
II.A. Instructional Program | Kathy Wada, Language Arts and Sarah Jones, Language Arts | Janet Vera, Dean of Language Arts |
II.B Library and Learning Support Services | Leslie Palmer, Library & Learning Support Services | Treisa Cassens, Dean of Library & Learning Support Services |
II.C. Student Support Services | Kelly Carter, Counseling | Celeste Phelps, Director, DSS |
III.A. Human Resources | Jacqueline Aguet, CTE | Colin Preston, Dean of Kinesiology & Athletics |
III.B. Physical Resources | Maha Afra, Fine Arts | Allison Colburn, Manager of Campus Capital Projects |
III.C. Technology Resources | Peter Molnar, Business/CIS | Jose Sanchez, Director of Academic Computing |
III.D. Financial Resources | Margaret Mohr, Kinesiology & Athletics | Stephen Schoonmaker, Acting VPAS |
IV.A. Decision-making Roles and Processes | Thu Pham, Health Science | Bryan C. Ventura, Director of Institutional Research & Planning |
IV.B. Chief Executive Officer | Damon de La Cruz, Mortuary Science | Scott Thayer, President |
IV.C. Governing Board | Tony Maher, Fine Arts | Howard Kummerman, Executive Director Foundation & Community Relations |
IV.D. Multi-College Systems or Districts | Jane Jepson, Counseling | Scott Thayer, President and Marc Posner, Director, Campus Communications |
Terms of Membership
Per AP 3200, the President shall appoint the co-chairs (ALO and Accreditation Faculty Chair) for each accreditation cycle (8 years).
Committee representatives are selected at the beginning of the self-evaluation for 3-year terms.
To request copies of archived agendas and minutes, please contact the committee chair.