Accreditation and Institutional Effectiveness Committee Charter

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Group NameAccreditation and Institutional Effectiveness Committee (AIEC)
Type of GroupShared Governance Committee
Description/Purpose/ChargeThe AIEC guides all matters of accreditation; campus services program review; integrated and strategic planning; outcomes assessment; and governance and decision-making structures, for the College’s ongoing improvement.
Reporting Relationships  The AIEC is a Shared Governance Committee. The Committee makes regular reports to the Academic Senate, Classified Senate, Planning and Budget Committee (PBC), and President’s Advisory Council (PAC).
Decision-Making Authority  The AIEC co-chairs (Accreditation Liaison Officer and Accreditation Faculty Chair) have the authority to form and select an Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) development team(s).

The AIEC co-chairs have the authority to determine an ISER development plan and timeline.

The AIEC can recommend improvements to the College and the District for meeting accreditation standards and commission policies; strategic planning; outcomes assessment; and structural or procedural improvement.

The AIEC has the authority to form and dissolve subcommittees or workgroups to implement improvements, align with accreditation standards, and address ACCJC recommendations.

The AIEC has the authority to create, update, and maintain campus service program review and administrative unit outcomes (AUOs) forms.
Membership CompositionCo-Chair, Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO)
Co-Chair, Accreditation Faculty Chair
Past Accreditation Faculty Chair
Academic Senate Representative
Classified Senate Representative
Classified Professional Representative
Associated Students Representative
Administrative Unit Outcomes Lead
Instructional Program Review Institutional Research & Planning Representative
Student Services Program Review Institutional Research & Planning Representative

These positions are resource members except from the beginning of the self-evaluation process through the Commission’s action:
College President
Vice President of Administrative Services
Vice President of Instruction
Vice President Student Services
Academic Senate President
Academic Senate President Elect/Past President
Standard I Representative
Standard II Representative
Standard III Representative
Standard IV Representative
Terms of Membership  Per AP 3200, the President shall appoint the co-chairs (ALO and Accreditation Faculty Chair) for each accreditation cycle (8 years).
Committee representatives are selected at the beginning of the self-evaluation for 3-year terms.
Membership Process  The ALO and Accreditation Faculty Chair select standard representatives.

The Director of Institutional Research & Planning selects an AUO Lead.

The Academic Senate selects its representative.

CSEA selects a classified professional representative.

Associated Students selects a student representative.
Meeting Dates/Times  The committee will meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 3 – 4:30 p.m.

During the self-evaluation, the committee will meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 3 – 4:30 p.m. as needed.
Meeting ProceduresThe Co-Chairs and members of the AEIC will adhere to shared governance best practices as follows:
Co-chairs will call for agenda items a week in advance of the next meeting.
Co-chairs will send meeting agendas in advance of meeting times.
Co-chairs will organize meeting agendas to prioritize approvals, actions pending/required, reports.
A quorum consists of 50 percent of voting members plus one.
A representative may identify a substitute who will attend meetings when the representative is unavailable and notify the AEIC co-chairs.
A non-voting individual will take meeting minutes.

It is the responsibility of the co-chairs to prepare and distribute the agenda, post minutes, conduct meetings, and report on the
status of action items.
Consensus Process, Decision-Making, and DocumentationClear agreements and public indications of understanding and support are critical to maintain forward progress for the work of the group.

On occasion, and after sufficient dialogue, members will be asked to indicate their agreement to pursue a specific direction or to conclude discussion of a specific topic or action. This agreement will be based on “consensus,” or a general state of agreement.

Consensus-based decision-making processes attempt to resolve each member’s concerns before asking for agreement and closing discussion.

The consensus-taking process will proceed according to the following steps:
1.  Any member or chair may ask for an indication of agreement.
2.  Members will indicate their degree of support for the selected direction or action as follows: a) agreement, b) support for the good of the whole without necessarily completely embracing the item, or c) disagreement. A simple method for indicating degrees of support can be used such as “Thumb’s Up” to signify agreement, “Thumb’s to the Side” to indicate support for the good of the whole, and “Thumb’s Down” to indicate disagreement.
3.  If there is no opposition indicated, the agreement will be recorded within the meeting minutes and discussion will conclude.
4.  If opposition is indicated, discussion continues for an effort to address.
To sustain forward progress, it may be necessary to record participant agreement related to a specific item without full member consensus. If certain participants have persistent concerns that prevent them from agreeing to the item, then a majority opinion is recorded, and the minority opinion is also captured in the meeting record/notes. The committee will follow the majority opinion.
Communication and Distribution of MaterialsThe AEIC will distribute agendas, minutes and supporting documents to its members via email and by posting them to the AEIC SharePoint. The AEIC will communicate broadly to the College via the Accreditation and AEIC webpages on the Cypress College website.
Charter Established/Revised Dates  Charter established on: September 2023
Charter last reviewed on: September 17, 2024
Charter last revised/approved on: September 17, 2024
Current RosterBryan Ventura, Co-Chair, Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO)
Jill Bauer, Co-Chair, Accreditation Faculty Chair
Liana Koeppel, Past Accreditation Faculty Chair
Kathleen McAlister, Academic Senate Representative
Regina Russell, Classified Senate Representative
Belinda Allan, Classified Professional Representative
Jonathan Nguyen & Alec Gibson, Associated Students Representatives
Daisy Ramirez, Administrative Unit Outcomes Lead
Kristina Oganesian, Instructional Program Review Institutional Research & Planning
Eileen Haddad, Student Services Program Review Institutional Research & Planning Representative

These positions are resource members except from the beginning of the self-evaluation process through the Commission’s action:
Scott Thayer, College President
Vacant, Vice President of Administrative Services
Kathleen Reiland, Vice President of Instruction
Paul de Dios, Vice President Student Services
Kathleen McAlister, Academic Senate President
Jaclyn Magginetti, Academic Senate President Elect/Past President
AnnMarie Ruelas, Standard I Representative
Celeste Phelps, Standard II Representative
José Sanchez, Standard III Representative
Tony Maher, Standard IV Representative
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