Funding Requests

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As of January 1, 2025, the Professional Development Committee will no longer approve funding requests submitted after the event or activity has occurred.

All Cypress College faculty (full-time and adjunct), classified staff, and management are invited to submit a request for funding to the Professional Development Committee. To begin the application process, read the criteria, review the deadlines, and follow the three steps listed below.

Criteria for Funding

Requests must advance the Mission of Cypress College, meet an authorized use of professional development funds according to Section 87153 of the California Education Code, and support at least one of the five directions identified in the 2021-2024 Cypress College Strategic Plan.

Funding Request Deadlines

Funding cycles are only available during the fall and spring semesters, when classes are in session. Professional Development must receive your completed and dean- or IMS-approved application with required supporting documentation by one of the following deadlines.

As of January 1, 2025, the Professional Development Committee will no longer approve funding requests submitted after the event or activity has occurred.

  • Friday, February 14, 2025, 11:59 p.m.
  • Friday, March 14, 2025, 11:59 p.m.
  • Friday, April 18, 2025, 11:59 p.m.
  • Friday, May 9, 2025, 11:59 p.m. (preliminary for summer 2025/fall 2025)

These deadlines are subject to availability of funds, and are thus subject to change without notice.

Step 1: Apply for Funding

The application for funding has changed for the 2024-2025 academic year, and previous versions of the form will no longer be accepted.

Accessing the Professional Development Funding Request Form requires signing on to myGateway; once you have signed on, you will be taken to the new form. Once you have completed the required sections, uploaded the appropriate attachments, and signed your form:

  1. You will be required to route this form to your Division Dean or Immediate Management Supervisor for their review and approval by entering their name and email address in the designated section.
  2. Your designated Dean or IMS will receive notification via email from that your form is ready for them to complete.
  3. Once your designated supervisor has completed their part of the form, the form will be routed to Professional Development staff who will review for completeness.
  4. If your application is accepted by Professional Development staff, you will receive a completed notification with a PDF copy of your submission from, and your application will be agendized for the Professional Development Committee to evaluate and determine funding.
  5. If you are awarded funding, you will be notified by email from the Professional Development Coordinator.

If your form is found to be without required information or supporting documentation, the form will be returned to you for correction, which will re-initiate steps 1-3 as stated above. The form contains detailed instructions on how to complete, as well as how to contact Professional Development staff for help if needed. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that incomplete submissions are corrected and resubmitted, as well as ensuring approval is acquired by their Dean or IMS. Failure to ensure completion may result in later evaluation as available by funding deadline and/or availability of funding. Note: is the Dynamic Form notification email that is not monitored by Professional Development staff. If you have questions about your submission, please contact Professional Development staff for assistance.

Step 2: The Approval Process

The funding approval process takes at least two weeks after the funding request submittal deadline. The Professional Development Committee meets to evaluate funding only during the fall and spring semesters when classes are in session.

  1. The Committee members usually have five working days to review the electronic funding requests before meeting as a committee to develop recommendations to send to the President’s Staff.
  2. The Professional Development Coordinator sends the Professional Development Committee recommendations for funding approval to the President’s Staff for final approval.
  3. After receiving the President’s Staff funding approval list, the Professional Development Coordinator will send out email notifications to all who applied during that specific funding period.

The Professional Development Committee considers, including but not limited to, the following criterion when evaluating funding requests:

  • Does the activity align with the college’s mission and strategic plan, as well as Education Code that governs Professional Development?
  • What activities has the applicant received Professional Development funding for in the past?
  • Does the training, conference, or activity benefit students? Is the objective of the activity for students fully addressed with details?
  • Does the training, conference, or activity clearly advance the professional development of the applicant?
  • Has the applicant provided a detailed plan to disseminate the information gained to colleagues?
  • Is the target audience clearly identified and are suggested dates for a professional development activity supplied?
  • Is the applicant a conference presenter, student organization advisor, or required by law or accrediting body to attend training?

Professional Development considers funding up to $3,000 per activity, per employee. Funding above and beyond this amount may require additional justification and are subject to availability of funding and Committee approval.

Finally, please be reminded that:

  • All travel outside the United States must be approved in advance by the North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD) Board of Trustees. If your activity request includes out of country travel, you must have this approval prior to submitting your request for funding.

Step 3: Request Reimbursement

The Professional Development Committee will only authorize reimbursement for expenses approved in advance by the Committee.

The District will only accept receipts in the name of the traveler or approved funding recipient for reimbursement of expenses. Make sure you request receipts for expenses awarded for by the Professional Development Committee.

To request reimbursement for travel, follow these steps within 30 days of your activity:

  1. Submit a Professional Development Funding Activity Report.
  2. Submit expense receipts and conference agenda to Professional Development staff will review and prepare the appropriate documentation for reimbursement, including but not limited to a Travel Expense Report (TER).

Note: If you travel in May or June, you must submit your TER and activity report immediately upon your return in order to meet fiscal year-end deadlines.