Retired Professor Co-Authors Philosophy and Religious Studies Article News

Retired Professor Co-Authors Philosophy and Religious Studies Article

"Retired Philosophy and Religious Studies professor Robert G. Cavin has penned an article with Skyline College Professor Carlos A. Colombetti called “Assessing the Resurrection Hypothesis: Problems with Craig’s Inference to the Best Explanation.” Regarding the article, Cavin states, “The hypothesis that God supernaturally raised Jesus from the dead is argued by"
Professor Cavin Published in Journal ‘Faith and Philosophy’ News

Professor Cavin Published in Journal ‘Faith and Philosophy’

"Greg Cavin and his colleague from the Philosophy Department of Skyline College, Dr. Carlos A. Colombetti, have a new article published on the philosophy of religion. The article is titled: “Evidence, Miracles, and the Existence of Jesus: Comments on Stephen Law.” It has been published in *Faith and Philosophy* (the Journal"