Cypress College Class Schedule Resource Guide

This Class Schedule Resource Guide is updated each semester for accuracy.

Continuing Student Registration Schedule

  • Continuing students are those who were enrolled in the previous semester’s classes and will receive letter or “W” grades at the end of the term. They will receive a registration email that provides their priority registration date and time for the upcoming semester.
  • Registration appointments can also be viewed by logging onto myGateway and clicking on “Registration” under Registration, then Registration Appointment.
  • Registration appointments are based on units/hours earned through spring of this year at both Cypress and Fullerton colleges. Having attended both institutions requires adding together the units/hours earned at both colleges.
  • Units/hours earned can be determined by logging onto myGateway. Search for “Student Resources,” then click on both Student Records and View Unofficial Web Transcript.
  • Veteran students who are active or former members of the United States Armed Forces who are with in two year s of their date of separation from active du ty may qualify for priority registration (CA Senate Bill 272 — effective January 1, 2008). For priority registration approval, submit the military ID, DD214, or N.O.B.E. (Notice of Basic Eligibility) to the certifying official of Veterans Affairs, located in the Veterans Resource Center.
  • See Important Dates for information about when Special Admit students begin registering.
  • Students should register on their assigned date and time for a better selection of classes; however, enrollment is not guaranteed into any class.
  • The class schedule contains several pages that provide useful registration information. It is recommended that students read the information prior to registering for classes.
  • Registration is subject to established deadlines for adding, dropping, payments, and refunds.
  • Yahoo users are recommended to obtain an email address from another provider in order to receive electronic correspondence from the college.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a waitlist?

A waitlist is an electronic list of students that want to enroll in a closed class. Waitlist capacity is determined by the academic divisions. Waitlisting does not guarantee enrollment into any class and not all classes have waitlists. Waitlist students must meet all registration requirements, prerequisite requirements, and be free of time conflicts.

How do I place myself on a waitlist?

  • Log onto myGateway and go to Registration Tools. Choose either the new or classic registration tool. Click “Add or Drop Classes.”
  • Enter the five-digit CRN of the class. You will be advised if the class is closed and given the option of adding the waitlist if waitlist seats are available.
  • Use the drop-down menu and select “Waitlist.” Click “Confirm Your Choices.”

How do I remove myself from a waitlist?

  • Log onto myGateway and go to Registration Tools. Click “Add or Drop Classes.”
  • Use the drop-down menu and select “Waitlist Drop.” Click “Confirm Your Choices.”

Can I add myself to more than one waitlist?

You can waitlist for more than one class but you CANNOT waitlist for two sections of the same class.

How can I monitor my waitlist status?

Log onto myGateway and go to Registration Tools. Click “Check Waitlist Status.” It is recommended that you frequently check your waitlist status. You will also receive an email notification when a seat in waitlisted classes becomes available.

How will I know if a seat in the class becomes available while I am on the waitlist?

  • You will be notified via a Personal Announcement on myGateway and you will receive an email.
  • Log onto myGateway. Type “waitlist” in the search field. Click “Waitlist Status.”
  • If a seat is available, you will see the date and time the seat notification will expire.

How long do I have to add the class when a seat becomes available?

You have 48 hours from when the seat notification was sent to you to add the class OR until midnight prior to the first day of the class, whichever comes first. If you miss the 48-hour deadline, your name is automatically removed from the waitlist and the next waitlisted student is notified of the available seat.

How do I add the class if I receive the notification that a seat is available?

  • Log onto myGateway and go to Registration Tools. Choose either the new or classic registration tool. Click “Add or Drop Classes.”
  • Enter the five-digit CRN of the class. You will be advised if the class is closed and given the option of adding the waitlist if waitlist seats are available.
  • Use the drop-down menu and select “Waitlist.” Click “Confirm Your Choices.”

What if I am on a waitlist but no seat becomes available before the first class meeting?

Contact the course instructor and attend the first class meeting. Your name will appear on the instructor’s roster as waitlisted. If there are seats available, the instructor will provide you with an Add Authorization Code. You must add the class via myGateway entering the add code when prompted. The class must be added by the add deadline. Check the Class Schedule for the deadlines of semester and less than semester length classes.

Yahoo users are recommended to obtain an email address from another provider in order to receive electronic correspondence from the college.

How to Add/Drop a Class

All registration, adds, drops, and withdrawals are to be completed online through myGateway.

Adding a Class

Prior to the first day of class:

If the class is OPEN, an Add Authorization Code is not required. If the class is CLOSED, a Waitlist option may be offered and the student must comply with requirements. However, there is no guarantee of enrollment into the class, and not all classes will have waitlists.

Starting the first day of class:

An Add Authorization Code is required for most classes. Attend the first class meeting of the class you wish to add. If seat space is available, ask the instructor to give you an Add Authorization Code. Instructors may not be able to grant all requests for Add Authorization Codes.

  1. IMMEDIATELY access myGateway registration. Log in and select new registration or classic registration.
  2. Select the term Cypress College/Fullerton College the upcoming semester and click Submit.
  3. Enter the five-digit CRN(Course Reference Number) in the “CRN” box and click on Confirm Your Choices.
  4. If prompted, enter the Add Authorization Code in the field provided.
  5. Click on the VALIDATE button. If the code is approved, continue to Step 6.
  6. If the code is not approved, you will need to obtain another add code from the instructor.
  7. Click on Submit Changes and confirm the status of your class.
  8. After confirming that the class has been added, click on COMPLETE REGISTRATION.
  9. Print a Schedule/Bill to ensure official adding of the class.

The Add Authorization Code is commonly known as the “Add Code” and is good for five days. If you receive an error message when you use the add code, you must first correct the related problem before the class can be added. If the five days expire before correcting the problem, you must obtain another add code from the instructor. A separate add code is required for each class you wish to add and is only valid for the current term and class.

Dropping or Withdrawing from a Class

  1. IMMEDIATELY access myGateway registration. Log in and select new registration or classic registration.
  2. Select the term Cypress College/Fullerton College the upcoming semester and click Submit.
  3. Enter the five-digit CRN (Course Reference Number) in the “CRN” box and click on Confirm Your Choices.
  4. If prompted, enter the Add Authorization Code in the field provided.
  5. Click on the VALIDATE button. If the code is approved, continue to Step 6.
  6. If the code is not approved, you will need to obtain another add code from the instructor.
  7. Click on Submit Changes and confirm the status of your class.
  8. After confirming that the class has been added, click on COMPLETE REGISTRATION.
  9. Print a Schedule/Bill to ensure official adding of the class.

The Add Authorization Code is commonly known as the “Add Code” and is good for five days. If you receive an error message when you use the add code, you must first correct the related problem before the class can be added. If the five days expire before correcting the problem, you must obtain another add code from the instructor. A separate add code is required for each class you wish to add and is only valid for the current term and class.

Adding, dropping, and withdrawing from classes are subject to established deadlines. It is the student’s responsibility to officially add and withdraw from classes. Verify added and dropped classes on your Schedule/Bill.

For additional help with registration, please view these videos.

Prohibition of Harassment / Student Right to Know Campus Security Act

Prohibition of Harassment

The policy of the North Orange County Community College is to provide an educational, employment, and business environment including but not limited to access to its services, classes, and programs in which no person shall be subjected to unlawful harassment and where such environment is free from unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and sexual favoritism, or other verbal or physical conduct or communications constituting sexual harassment. It shall also be free of other unlawful harassment, including but not limited to harassment that is based on: ethnic group identification, national origin, religion, age, sex, gender identification, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, or military and veteran status of any person, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics. Students and employees who believe they have been harassed or retaliated against in violation of this policy should immediately report such incidents by following the procedures described in Administrative Procedure 3410, Unlawful Discrimination.

The following person is designated by the North Orange County Community College District as the Responsible Officer for receiving and coordinating the investigation of all unlawful harassment complaints, including sexual harassment:

Name: Irma Ramos
Position: Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Address: 1830 W. Romneya Drive, Anaheim, CA 92801-1819
Telephone: (714) 808-4826

Student Right to Know Campus Security Act

In compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990, it is the policy of the North Orange County Community College District and Cypress College to make available its completion and transfer rates to all current and prospective students. Beginning in fall 2001, all certificate-, degree-, and transfer-seeking first-time, full- time students were tracked over a three-year period; their completion and transfer rates are listed below. These rates do not represent the success rates of the entire student population at Cypress College, nor do they account for student outcomes occurring after this three-year tracking period.

Based upon the cohort defined above, 33% attained a certificate, degree, or became “transfer-prepared” during a three-year period (fall 2013 to spring 2016). Students who are “transfer-prepared” have completed 60 transferrable units with a GPA of 2.0 or better.

Based upon the cohort defined above, 15% transferred to another postsecondary institution (CSU, UC, or another California Community College) prior to attaining a degree, certificate, or becoming “transfer prepared” during a five- semester period (spring 2014 to spring 2016). More detailed information related to the reporting of criminal actions which have occurred on campus may be obtained from the President’s Office, Public Safety, Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, Bursar’s Office, Student Life & Leadership Library, and the website.

Title IX and Civil Rights Grievances / Victims of Sexual Assault

Title IX and Civil Rights Grievances
Non-Discrimination Statement

The policy of the North Orange County Community College District is to provide an educational, employment, and business environment, including but not limited to, access to its services, classes, and programs in which no person shall be unlawfully denied full and equal access to the benefits of, or be unlawfully subjected to discrimination on the basis of gender expression, race, color, medical condition, genetic information, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, or military and veteran status, or as otherwise prohibited by state and federal statutes, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

The following person is designated by the North Orange County Community College District as the Responsible Officer/Section 504 and Title IX Coordinator for receiving and coordinating the investigation of the unlawful discrimination complaints filed pursuant to section 59328 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, and for coordinating compliance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1992, and response to discrimination complaints related thereto:

Position: Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Address: 1830 W. Romneya Drive, Anaheim, CA 92801-1819
Telephone: (714) 808-4826

Students, employees, interns, and volunteers who believe they have been subjected to unlawful discrimination, including sexual harassment, or who seek information regarding the District’s Unlawful Discrimination Policy should contact the Office of the Vice Chancellor, Human Resources.

Victims of Sexual Assault

Students who are victims of sexual assault occurring on District property or on an off-campus site or facility maintained by the District, or who seek information or assistance regarding a sexual assault, should contact the campus Director of Health Services at (714) 484-7361 or the Director of Campus Public Safety at (714) 484-7455. Except as may otherwise be required by law, all inquiries will be maintained in confidence. Victims of sexual assault should immediately report the incident to the Campus Safety Department, Cypress Police Department, and the campus Title IX officer. The Title IX Officer for the campus is the Executive Vice President of Educational Programs & Support Services at (714) 484-7330. The Title IX Officer for the District is the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources (714) 808-4826.

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