Academic Senate Charter

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Group NameAcademic Senate    
Type of GroupRepresentative Body  
Description/Purpose/ChargeA. The Academic Senate’s primary purpose is to represent all faculty in consulting collegially with the Board of Trustees and its representatives regarding academic and professional matters affecting the college and the district. This requirement to consult collegially shall not limit other rights and responsibilities of the Academic Senate which are specifically provided in statute.

B. The Academic Senate is thus to have a formal and effective procedure for participating in the formation and implementation of campus and district policies on academic and professional matters, and any other matters deemed important to the welfare of the college and the district.

C. Academic and professional matters are defined in the Education Code and Title 5. Section §53200c of Title 5 defines these as the 10 +1 areas over which the Academic Senate has primacy:
1.    Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines
2.    Degree and certificate requirements
3.    Grading policies
4.    Educational program development, review, or discontinuance
5.    Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success
6.    District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles
7.    Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports
8.    Policies for faculty professional development activities
9.    Processes for program review
10.    Processes for institutional planning and budget development, and
11.    Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon

D. Consulting collegially is defined as the Board of Trustees relying primarily on the advice and judgment of the Academic Senate OR the Board of Trustees and the Academic Senate reaching mutual agreement.

E. The Academic Senate shall also have the purpose of increased communication, awareness, and understanding with and among various entities, including the members of the college faculty as a whole, other groups concerned with the policies, welfare, and growth of the college, district representatives acting on matters affecting faculty concerns and interests, and statewide organizations.

F. The Cypress College Academic Senate is committed to creating a collegial and professional climate in which to share ideas and engage discourse. The Senate is committed to the principles of respect and decorum. Senators will conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of others, recognizing that disagreement and debate can occur without demeaning and disparaging one another.  
Reporting Relationships  The following committees report to the Academic Senate:

1. The Curriculum Committee shall be responsible for reviewing issues and making recommendations related to curriculum and curriculum related matters as outlined in the committee’s guiding documents.

2. The Student Learning Outcomes Committee shall be responsible for assisting, supporting, and guiding Faculty as they develop, implement, and evaluate both CSLOs and PSLOs in an effort to improve teaching and student learning in courses, programs, certificates, and degrees, as well as making recommendations related to instructional Student Learning Outcomes as outlined in the committee’s guiding documents.

3. The Instructional Program Review Committee shall be responsible for reviewing departmental program reports, making commendations and recommendations, assigning completion status, and issuing the annual report as outlined in the committee’s guiding documents.   
Decision-Making Authority  1. The Academic Senate shall have the power to establish and amend its own composition, structure, and procedures.

2. The Academic Senate has the right to meet with or appear before the governing board with respect to the views, recommendations, or proposals of the Academic Senate.

3. The Academic Senate has the right to meet with or appear before the administration of the college and/or district with respect to the views, recommendations, or proposals of the Academic Senate.

4. The Academic Senate shall have the exclusive right to appoint or to determine the method of appointment of the faculty members who serve on college and/or district shared governance committees, task forces, or other groups established for the purpose of implementing shared governance except in instances where the collective bargaining agents have been granted representation.

5. The Academic Senate may assume such responsibilities and perform such functions as requested of it by the administration or Board of Trustees.

6. The Academic Senate may establish Senate committees as appropriate and in accordance with the guidelines articulated in the Bylaws.  
Membership CompositionOfficers, Faculty:
1. President
2. President-Elect or Past President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer

Additional Representatives, Faculty:
1. Curriculum Chair
2. IDEAA Ombuds

Division Senators, Faculty:
Divisions of up to 14 members having one Senator, those with 15 to 29 having two, and those with 30 and over having three (with elections as specified in the By-Laws).
A. Business and Computer Information Systems
B. Career Technical Education
C. Counseling/Student Development
D. Visual and Performing Arts
E. Health Science
F. Language Arts
G. Library/LRC
H. Kinesiology and Athletics
I. Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
J. Social Sciences
K. Adjunct Faculty

Resource/Support (non-voting)  
Terms of Membership1. President, 2 years
2. President-Elect, 1 year
3. Past President, 1 year
4. Secretary, 1 year
5. Treasurer, 1 year
6. Curriculum Chair, duration of term as Chair
7. IDEAA Ombuds, 2 years
8. Senators, 2 years  
Membership Process  Elections and appointments occur in accordance with the process outlined in the Bylaws.

Election of Officers:
A. For any elected Executive Committee officer position for which there is more than one candidate, the election shall be by voice, roll call, or a signed ballot (as specified in the By-Laws). 
B. Elections shall be held annually at the last regular meeting in May at the commencement of the new business section of the agenda. 
C. The voting members shall consist of the newly elected and returning members of the Academic Senate. 
D. The new or continuing President shall conduct the elections. 
E. The order of election shall be President-Elect (when needed), Secretary, Treasurer, and the additional Executive Committee member. 
F. All elections shall be conducted according to the rules provided in these By-Laws.
G. Nominations for each position shall be followed by election before proceeding to the nomination and election of the subsequent Position.
H. If at any time the seat of an Officer or IDEAA Ombuds is vacated before the term expires, the President-Elect or Past President shall conduct an election to replace that position.

Election of Division Senators:
A. Each Division shall be responsible for the election of its Senators to the Academic Senate.
B. Elections shall be announced to the full-time Division faculty and conducted in an open, transparent, and reviewable manner.
C. Division Senators shall be elected by their Division faculty in April for two-year terms beginning on the final Senate meeting of the spring semester when they are elected.
D. Division Senators shall assume their responsibilities at the last regular meeting of the spring semester.
E. If at any time the seat of a Division Senator is vacated before the term expires, the President-Elect or Past President shall contact the Division and request an election to replace that Senator.

Election of Adjunct Senators:  
A. The President-Elect or Past President shall be responsible for the election of adjunct faculty Senators to the Academic Senate.
B. Elections shall be announced to the adjunct faculty and conducted in an open, transparent, and reviewable manner.
C. Adjunct Senators shall be elected by the adjunct faculty in April for two-year terms beginning on the final Senate meeting of the spring semester when they are elected.
D. Adjunct Senators shall assume their responsibilities at the last regular meeting of the spring semester.
E. If at any time the seat of an Adjunct Senator is vacated before the term of that Senator expires, the President-Elect or Past President shall hold an election to replace that Senator if the vacated seat results in fewer than two Adjunct Senators.
F. If, for either a regular election or a special election, the call for nominations does not result in a nominee, or if a replacement is not available under the provisions of section (e) above, the Senate will vote to either (1) authorize the President to appoint an adjunct faculty member to fill the vacant seat, subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the Senate, or (2) direct the President-Elect or Past President to conduct another call for nominations and election.

Election of IDEAA Ombuds:  
A. The President shall put out a call for candidates. 
B. Elections shall be held annually at the last regular meeting in May at the commencement of the new business section of the agenda.  Candidates will have an opportunity to express their interest/qualifications.
C. The voting members shall consist of the newly elected and returning members of the Academic Senate. 
D. The new or continuing President shall conduct the elections. 
E. All elections shall be conducted according to the rules provided in these By-Laws.  
Meeting Dates/Times  With exceptions for holidays and the end of term, the Academic Senate meets twice on a month on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 3-5 p.m. in the College Complex.
Meeting ProceduresThis committee is subject to the Brown Act and conducts meetings and votes in accordance with these regulations and Robert’s Rules of Order.
Consensus Process, Decision-Making, and DocumentationDecision-making and documentation processes are outlined in the bylaws as follows:  

A. Discussion and Debate on Agenda Items
1. Items on the Agenda will be presented to the Senate by the person(s) listed on the agenda, or by a designee chosen by the person(s) listed in the agenda item.
2. Following the presentation of the agenda item in a manner consistent with its description in the agenda, the Chair shall solicit discussion/debate:

B. Discussion and Debate on Non-Agenda Items  
The order of Discussion/Debate for non-Agenda items shall be at the discretion of the chair.  

C. Robert’s Rules of Order  
Unless stated otherwise, procedures for discussion and debate shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order.  

Section 4. Voting
A. Actions in the form of a motion are voted on in the same meeting they are made unless the senate votes by simple majority to delay the vote.
B. Actions in the form of a resolution require two reads by the senate, with the vote to approve or reject the resolution taking place following the second read. Resolutions represent the “voice of the Senate” and express the Senate’s rationale and proposed actions.
a) The second read may be waived for urgent matters or other consideration.
b) Resolutions that do not receive two reads must pass with a ⅔ (two-thirds) majority vote of the Senate.   

Section 6. Minutes
A. Minutes of Senate meetings shall be taken by the Secretary or designee.
B. Minutes shall include: kind of meeting (regular, special, emergency); date of meeting and place; attendance, whether the minutes of the last meeting were approved or dispensed with, all main motions, including the name of the person introducing the motion; action taken by senate.
C. Minutes should be formatted in accordance with guidelines established by the college.
D. Minutes shall be approved by the Senate at a subsequent meeting.
E. Minutes shall be posted to the college website in accordance with college Communications Office protocols.  
Communication and Distribution of MaterialsThe Academic Senate will provide timely and accessible documentation (i.e., agendas and minutes) of its activity and outputs that reflect key discussion points and action items. The group will distribute this documentation to their constituency via email and posting to the group’s SharePoint or on the Cypress College website.  
Charter Established/Revised DatesCharter established on:
Charter last reviewed on:
Charter last revised/approved on:  10/2/23
WebsiteAcademic Senate Website
Current Roster2023-2024 Academic Senate

President – Kathleen McAlister
Past President – Damon de la Cruz
Secretary – Jaclyn Magginetti
Treasurer – Giovanni Magginetti 
Curriculum Chair – Joyce Peacock
IDEAA Ombuds – Michael Brydges  

Division Senators:
Business/CIS Division: (1)
Kathleen Troy
Career Technical Education Division: (2)
Jacqueline Aguet
Enrique Aispuro
Counseling and Student Development Division: (2)
LaRon Armstead
Daniel Pelletier
Health Science Division: (3)
Michael Frianeza
Sally McNay
Language Arts Division: (3)
Samantha Simmons
Karen Le Cornet
Alison Robertson
Library/Learning Resource Center: (1)
Monica Doman
Kinesiology Division: (1)
Sergio Cutrona
Science/Engineering/Mathematics Division: (3)
Joel Gober
Christina Plett
Social Sciences Division: (2)
Hilary Reuter
Jaclyn Magginetti
Visual and Performing Arts Division: (2)
Aydinaneth Ortiz
Donivan Howard
Adjunct Senators: (3)
Layal Lebdeh
Giovanni Magginetti
Kasim Alimahomed  
Constitution/Bylaws Reference  The Academic Senate operates under the Constitution approved by Cypress College Faculty and Bylaws approved by the Senate.
Brown ActThis group is subject to the Brown Act.