Multiple Measures

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Cypress College allows incoming students to benefit from using Multiple Measures. This means that Cypress College uses many different ways to help improve a student’s English, English as a Second Language (ESL) and math course placements. Multiple Measures can include:

  • High School Transcripts
  • Advanced Placement (AP) scores for English Composition, Literature, or Mathematics exam with a score of 3 or better
  • Advanced Placement scores for all other courses
  • Early Assessment Program (EAP) for Math and/or English with a score of Standard Exceeded, on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) exam or Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC).
  • SAT of 550 or higher in SAT Reading & Writing or ACT score of 22 or higher on the ACT English

Students should make sure to bring copies of their documents when meeting with a counselor to take advantage of Multiple Measures. For more information about scheduling appointments with a counselor to ask more about multiple measures, you can contact the Counseling Center at, by phone at (714) 484-7015, or on the second floor of the Student Center on campus.