Campus Photo I.D. Card
The Campus Photo I.D. Card includes:
- Your photo
- Your signature
- Your permanent student number
- A scannable bar code
The Campus Photo I.D. Card is an invaluable tool which:
- identifies you as a Cypress College student.
- grants you access to a wide array of services including:
all campus labs, the Library, the Financial Aid Office, the Bursar’s Office, Student Affairs and allows you pay for bookstore purchases with a check or credit card.
The card may be purchased on-line during registration, or at the Admissions and Records Office or Bursar’s Office throughout the semester. Please note: the $2.50 fee must be paid every semester in which a new I.D. is requested.
- NEW and RETURNING STUDENTS may obtain a Campus Photo I.D. Card upon presentation of their Enrollment Receipt showing proof of payment of the fee.
- CONTINUING STUDENTS can get a validation sticker for the current semester and place it on their existing Campus Photo I.D. Card.
When visiting the Photo I.D. booth, located on the first floor of the Student Center, please bring a valid picture identification card, such as a driver’s license or a California I.D. card.
Photo I.D. is available during office hours (8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Thursday).