Peer Tutors FAQs

Why visit your Peer Tutor?

Students who attend Peer Tutor sessions improve their chances of successfully passing their English/ESL class. Research shows that students who attend tutoring programs average one-half to one full letter grade higher than their classmates who choose not to attend. Students are also able to transfer the skills they learn to other classes that do not offer Peer Tutor support.

What services do you offer?

We offer one-on-one tutoring sessions for students enrolled in specific Peer Tutor classes. Specific class content or general mentor may be reviewed in these sessions. The ultimate goal for the Peer Tutor sessions is to support student success!

How do I know when my class peer tutor is available?

Each Peer Tutor’s office hours should be listed on the class canvas page and/or announcements. You can always ask them when they’re in class or send them a canvas message too!

How are Peer Tutors different from the services and tutors at the ESC?

Both tutors seek to support student success!

Peer Tutors are typically current Cypress students who recently completed English 100, 101 or ESL 110 with a high grade and a strong interest in supporting their peers. The ESC is staffed by trained tutors as well as Cypress College English and ESL faculty. The ESC offers individualized Writing Assignment tutor meetings and Electronic Directed Learning Activities (eDLAs).

Where are Peer Tutor services located?

We are housed within the English Success Center (Library & Learning Resource Center, 1st Floor, Room 130).

Are tutors only available in person?

No! We have virtual office hours as well! During their office hours, Peer Tutors are available in person and online via Zoom.

To receive tutoring remotely or in-person, register with the English Success Center Canvas course by clicking the button below.

*NOTE: registration could take up to 1 to 2 business days for the ESC Canvas page to appear in your Canvas account.

Additionally, all Friday services through the ESC (including Peer Tutors) are virtual.

What does it cost?

Working with a Peer Tutor is free! Students are encouraged to come as often as they like; however, the statistics show that the more students attend, the better their grades.