Curriculum Committee Charter

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Group NameCurriculum Committee
Type of GroupRepresentative Body
Description/Purpose/ChargeIn accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, the Cypress College Academic Senate has the primary authority and responsibility for representing the faculty regarding academic and professional matters affecting the college and the district, chief among which is policy development and implementation in matters of curriculum.
Reporting Relationships  The Curriculum Committee is a subcommittee of the Academic Senate. The committee makes regular reports to the Academic Senate regarding curriculum approvals as per their
Decision-Making Authority  The Campus Curriculum Committee shall have general responsibility and authority for coordinating and facilitating the curriculum matters of the college, including the establishment of consistent curriculum guidelines and practices with respect to the programs and services of the college and the resolution of curriculum policy and procedural issues.

The Curriculum Committee shall have jurisdiction with respect to all credit and noncredit courses and programs offered under the auspices of the college or its auxiliary organizations, including distance learning and contract education.

Under the auspices of the Academic Senate, the Curriculum Committee shall determine procedures and make recommendations with respect to the following:
o   proposals for new courses, changes to existing courses, and deactivation of courses, including assessment of content, units of credit, prerequisites, class size (subject to the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement), assignment of courses to disciplines, and other relevant considerations;
o   general education curriculum;
o   academic and career technical education majors;
o   degree and certificate requirements;
o   campus and intra-district curriculum policies;
o   other functions as may be prescribed by mutual agreement of the Academic Senate and the Vice President of Instruction.

In the exercise of its responsibilities, the Curriculum Committee shall generally ensure adherence to external mandates for a legal and accreditable curriculum, with specific reference to relevance and appropriateness in terms of the following evaluative criteria:
o   the comprehensive mission of the California Community Colleges;
o   the missions of the district and the college;
o   the intended student population and community;
o   balance and integration of curriculum relative to
college programs.
Membership Composition A faculty Chair, appointed by the Academic Senate.

One voting faculty Division Representative from each of the following divisions:
o   Business and Computer Information Systems;
o   Career Technical Education
o   Counseling/Student Development
o   Visual and Performing Arts
o   Health Science
o   Kinesiology and Athletics
o   Language Arts
o   Library/LRC
o   Science, Engineering and Mathematics;
o   Social Sciences

The Vice President of Instruction (non-voting)
The Dean or designee representing our college at OCRC (non-voting)
The campus Articulation Officer, voting
One Division Dean, (non-voting)
One Admissions and Records (A&R) Representative (non-voting)
One Student appointed by the President of the Associated Student Body (non-voting)
Curriculum Specialist (non-voting)
Credit for Prior Learning Coordinator (CPL), (non-voting)
Terms of Membership  Faculty member term of appointment shall be three (3) years, and may be renewed for an additional 3-year term or an agreed upon timeframe, with service limited to two (2) consecutive terms: in the case where no other faculty member is elected, the current Division Representative may choose to serve another term or an agreed upon timeframe.

One Division Dean, appointed by the Vice President of Instruction, who shall serve as a non-voting member. The term of such appointment shall be one (1) year, with the right of reappointment for an indefinite number of terms.

A&R Representative, term shall be one (1) year, with the right of reappointment for an indefinite number of terms.
Membership Process  The Chair is appointed by the Academic Senate.
Each division representative is selected by division faculty.
Division Dean appointed by Vice President of Instruction.
A&R selects a representative.
All others are ex officio.
Meeting Dates/Times  The Curriculum Committee meets the first and third Tuesday,
with optional fifth Tuesday, from 3 – 5 p.m. in CCCPLX-406.
Meeting ProceduresThis committee is subject to the Brown Act and conducts
meetings and votes in accordance with these regulations and Robert’s Rules of Order.
Consensus Process, Decision-Making, and DocumentationUnless stated otherwise, procedures for discussion and debate shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order

Discussion, Debate and Voting
o   Items on the Agenda will be presented to the Committee by the person(s) listed on the agenda, or by a designee chosen by the person(s) listed in the agenda item.
o   Following the presentation of the agenda item in a manner consistent with its description in the agenda, the Chair shall solicit discussion/debate.
o   Members can make motions. Only those seconded will be up for debate and discussion.
o   Voting is done by simple majority.

o   Minutes for each meeting are sent out with the agenda for the following meeting. Minutes are approved by the Committee at a subsequent meeting, and posted on the website.
Decisions are made following Robert’s Rules of Order. Majority Member may make motions to move items which precede a vote. Votes are passed with majority. All items are documented in the meeting minutes.
Communication and Distribution of MaterialsThe group will provide timely and accessible documentation (i.e., agendas and minutes) of its activity and outputs that reflect key discussion points and action items. The group will distribute this documentation to their constituency via email and posting to the group’s SharePoint or on the Cypress College
Charter Established/Revised Dates  Charter established on: September 2023
Charter last reviewed on: September 5, 2023
Charter last revised/approved on: November 13, 2023
Current RosterChair, Joyce Peacock
Articulation Officer, Jacquelyn Rangel
Curriculum Specialist, Marbelly Jairam
Division Representatives:
Business/CIS Division – Rassoul Alizadeh
Career Technical Education Division – Larry Ramos
Counseling and Student Development Division – Renay Laguana-Ferinac
Health Science Division – Jolena Grande
Language Arts Division – Joseph Melodia
Library/Learning Resource Center – Joyce Peacock
Kinesiology Division – Jordan Hamamoto
Science/Engineering/Mathematics Division – Stephanie Spooner
Social Sciences Division – Eric Bladh
Visual and Performing Arts Division – Tony Maher
Jesse Ramirez
Kathleen Reiland
Colin Preston
Patrick Tuufuli
Constitution/Bylaws ReferenceCurriculum Bylaws
Brown ActYes