Tag: (STEM)2
Press Release
July 7, 2020
Cypress College Named One of NASA’s 11 Minority-Serving Community Colleges
"Cypress College has been named a NASA Community College Aerospace Scholar (NCAS) and was awarded $62,500 with the goal of attracting and retaining more minority students in STEM careers. Just 11 community colleges nationwide were chosen as a minority serving NCAS, splitting a total of $800,000 in awards funded by NASA’s"
March 1, 2019
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Announces Two Cypress College Students as Semifinalists
"Cypress College students Madison Morris and Raymond Pi Oliver are semifinalists for the prestigious Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation announced that the pair were selected from a pool of nearly 1,500 applicants representing 369 colleges across 45 states and the District of Columbia. Morris, a"
November 30, 2018
(STEM)2 Holds 7th Annual Fall Research Symposium
"Science, Engineering, and Math Dean Richard Fee opened the Cypress College (STEM)2 program’s seventh annual Fall Research Symposium on Friday, November 16, at the Old Ranch Country Club in Seal Beach. Through personal stories, he emphasized how important it is to do something that makes you happy. “If you start on"
October 29, 2018
Headed for the Stars: STEM Students are NASA Aerospace Scholars
"STEM scholar Pi Raymond Oliver spent part of this month at NASA’s Stenis Space Center in Mississippi, where he completed the space agency’s NCAS Program. Oliver was at Stenis October 1-5 as one of 319 community college students from across the United States. NCAS — NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars —"
December 18, 2017
(STEM)2 Fall Research Symposium Showcases Student Research, Astrophysicist
"Cypress College’s (STEM)2 program hosted its sixth annual Fall Research Symposium on Friday, November 17. The event, which was held at the Old Ranch Country Club in Seal Beach, featured a student summer research showcase and guest speaker Dr. Farisa Morales, an astrophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. Farisa"
May 14, 2017
STEM Hosts ‘A Day with the NSA’
"As young adults we often think we have to have all the answers, know what career we want and what paths we need to take to get there. The truth is we don’t always know. And that’s OK. The Path that Led to the NSA Víctor H. Maysonet González was born"
May 25, 2016
#CYProud: Lynnette Reed
"Commencement is a celebratory time on campus. To capture this year-end spirit, we asked our faculty to tell us which students they are most proud of. Some of those profiled in this year’s #CYProud 2016 feature have overcome significant personal and financial hurdles to reach their educational goals; others have distinguished"
May 16, 2016
(STEM)2 Scholars to do Summer Research at Cal State Fullerton
"Preparing a workforce proficient in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math has been identified as a critical national priority. To help meet this challenge, Cypress College, in partnership with Cal State Fullerton, created the (STEM)2 Program with the goal of increasing student participation, persistence and success in these fields."
Gravitational Waves – Cypress students involved in groundbreaking research
"The impacts of stars colliding into one another in the far depths of space, collapsing into black holes billions of years back can now be detected (and Cypress students played a part in the discovery!). This is a momentous breakthrough for physics; one that confirms Albert Einstein’s abstract, 100 year old"
May 5, 2016
Cypress STEM Students Tour SpaceX
"Space X designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. The company was founded in 2002 to revolutionize space travel, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets. Hard to beat that mission statement. For engineers, adventurists, and brand enthusiasts alike, Space X is one of the"