Pathway to Radiologic Technology Hi. My name is Yohannes. I am originally born and raised in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a country that is found in Africa, specifically east Africa. Despite the mental image that people have about Africa, it is not as close as the news or media presents it to be. Coming to a […]
ESL Testimonials
Achieving language proficiency and completing coursework in that language calls for celebration, and we are proud to celebrate with Cypress College’s English as a Second Language (ESL) students. By achieving this milestone, ESL certificate-earners are equipped to continue on their college path or feel confident in the career fields they’ve chosen. We thank them for making us part of their educational journey.
Long Ong, Vietnam
Pathway to Transfer: Psychology CSULB transfer, Fall 2020 One universal tool to connect people from around the world is language. While language can be a tool of connection, it can [also] be a barrier preventing people from achieving their goals. America has been long known for being a country of immigrants. One of the few […]
Jennifer Palacios, Ecuador
Pathway to Dental Hygiene Dreams and Awards The journey for foreign students can be more difficult because of the barriers of communication. Thankfully, ESL professors take part in this journey in order to help their students to achieve their professional objectives. My mother language is Spanish, but I adapted English as my second language into […]
Karima Berrada, Morocco
Pathway to Transfer: SEM, Computer Science & Engineering Transfer to UCI, Fall 2020 It is an honor to be part of the ESL program at Cypress College, and I feel very proud to receive the ESL Milestone certificates. Learning English as a third language was my biggest challenge when I came to the USA six […]
Pedro Vallinas, Cuba
Pathway to Radiologic Technology I feel great about having earned these certificates because they are recognizing my hard work in college. These certificates show other college students that working hard and never giving up will help them to be successful at college. Also, these certificates show that it does not matter if English is not […]
Hiroki Funahashi, Japan
Pathway to Aviation Travel Careers I feel so excited about these certificates mainly because I worked very hard to finish ESL classes. It was very challenging since I did not have enough experiences using English in my life. I do not have high educational background yet, so finishing a college program in another country and being […]
Priscilla Nguyen, Vietnam
Pathway to Diagnostic Medical Sonography My name is Priscilla, and I am so happy and grateful to know that I am eligible for ESL Milestones Certificate! Going to college with English as my second language is very challenging for me and my friends because we faced many challenges. We had to face situations where people […]
Thada and Madi Myat Su, Burma
Thada Myat Su Studio Arts, Animation emphasis My name is Thada Myat Su. I would like to thank to Professor Kathy Wada for informing me about the ESL Milestone Certificate to eligible students. This certificate is very meaningful for me. Also, I would like to thank all of the ESL professors for helping me with […]
Anh Nguyen, Vietnam
Pathway to Nursing I feel really happy about the ESL Milestone certificates. This is the first semester these certificates are approved; therefore, I am honored to be one of the first students in California receiving them. I came to the U.S. in 2015 and attended ESL 183 at Cypress College as my first educational experience […]